for all who like a grid system with animation of a fe.surface.
It works fine now with big lists. my MAME games are 2350 snaps and videos.
Scrolling has good speed to go through all games.
added features:
- Grid on a surface: allows smooth animations and scrolling fast when holding button.
also the selected game frame with video scrolls with the surface, i think this is a better feeling.
- Delayed Video Loading after 800 ms: important that added scrollanimation is not choppy during anim when videos load.
- DemoMode after Starttime = 90 sec. and looping through random games after LoopTime=30 secs. values can be changed in options.
attention: u can start the games by hitting your select button! the DemoMode stops when you start navigating. navigation starts from the game in Demomode.
- in the left botoom corner appears the First character of the game and disappears after some time. this is good when u scroll fast and search a game.
i think a very important feature of attractmode should be the "attract mode".
here it is the DemoMode from where u can start the games directly. This is the good ol feeling from neogeo multiplay machines.
What u need:
-snaps, flyer... (changeable in options)
the visuals are inspired by switch ui design.
the design is 4:3, but u can change it in code.
overall i have big problems with the transition system.
I dont understand it, so i had to make workarounds for timing like delayed video loading.
This causes some shit. The timers will not be reset correctly. sometimes the videos are not delayed or the Demomode loops faster.