you have to add the exact name of your display (see attract-folder\emulator), did you?
my display for Sega Saturn is named "Sega Saturn".
i'm using "EmuHawk" for sega saturn games.
it works with this config:executable "C:\attract\EMU\Sega Saturn\EmuHawk.exe"
args --fullscreen "[romfilename]"
rompath C:\attract\EMU\Sega Saturn\ROMS
romext .cue
Yes, I've done it but it doesn't work.
I do not know programming but I have thought this ...
I think the problem is the executable, Attract Mode launch EmuHawk.exe and when it closes EmuHack, Attract Mode use ResFix.
But I use Bat file to launch SSFLoader.exe and this program make virtual CHD disk and launch SSF.exe and SSFLoader it close.
Perhaps Attract Mode is waiting SSFLoader and when it close, return to menu. And when I add "Pause" to bat file, Attract Mode is waiting but if I close SSF.exe, Attract Mode still wait that I close SSFLoader.exe and now i´m using SSF.exe...

Sorry, I don't speak English and I don't know if I explained myself well...