Author Topic: New theme: Graffiti  (Read 3748 times)


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New theme: Graffiti
« on: January 03, 2020, 07:25:28 AM »
A new niche theme utilizing the Attract Mode Overview game description files.

A graffiti looking theme with a purple/yellow color pallette.

There are two themes.

*_menu = meant for the Displays Menu/nested category displays
*_systems = meant for the individual systems displays

The download link is located here:

Here is a short video demo of it in action.

Additional downloads

These theme uses Overview files to show game descriptions..

These files should be placed in a sub-folder within Attract Mode with the following folder structure.

Attract Mode/scraper/(system)/overview

A special scraper/system folder (@) includes overview files to show a synopsis of various systems.

Here's a Github repo with a large amount of Overview files for various systems.

Click on the green Clone/Download button
Download the ZIP file
Copy the scraper folder's contents to the Attract Mode scraper folder.