Author Topic: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)  (Read 240317 times)


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Hi Yaron.

Have you a github to share and help contribution ?

I made a theme for the missing Nec Supergrafx.

Hope you like it, or maybe use it as a base.

Best regards

Awesome! you can post your themes here on this thread.
no github at this stage, maybe I'll add later


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So, this is the "NEC Supergrafx" layout.

Best regards


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Thank you for this awesome theme !

I've downloaded Main menu systems unified video snaps for all my systems, but in AM, quality is bad, and if I open video in VLC, quality is good.
I'm not sure if this is theme related or AM related, may you help me please ?


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I tried to download the collection from the link in the first post, but it seems to be broken, Is there any other way to get it?


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This appears to have been "vanished" from the internet in every way. Can anyone re-host it somewhere?

Mark Norville

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This appears to have been "vanished" from the internet in every way. Can anyone re-host it somewhere?

If someone does not have the files, then they cannot re host it. It is down to the original theme creator to do things.

I have downloaded the below files and uploaded them to my Google drive as an extra download link

Thanks to unfetteredmight
« Last Edit: January 17, 2022, 08:01:30 AM by Mark Norville »
Well I am back a new PC I7 4790K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Windows 10. Hopefully will get delivered at weekend.

Computer Specs : I7 3770K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Win 10
HD Specs : 1 x 1 TB SSD + 4 x 8 TB = 33 TB (fullish)
First system : ZX81 (Yes I am an old fart)
PS Network : MarkNorvile
Xbox : Mark Norville


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I tried to download the collection from the link in the first post, but it seems to be broken, Is there any other way to get it?

This appears to have been "vanished" from the internet in every way. Can anyone re-host it somewhere?

Here is a link for the collection, I do not have the optional downloads but those assets are easy enough to source. Keep a copy of the zip so if my link dies and someone else requests a reupload there are other copies floating out there.


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Here is another link for the file collection if someone needs it!

I have plenty of space so I will just leave it on this site indefinitely.
Arcade Machine 1:
AMD 8350 black 4ghz 8 Cores
20 gigs of DDR 3 Ram
500 gb SSD
4 tb Storage drive


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No one is saying anything bad about Yaron. The thread was dead for months with newbies asking where the files were, cannot download etc etc. I posted in bold that the theme creator is not active and that the files are dead.

However, a newbie with no posts, suddenly appears and their first post is to say here are the files so myself and Myramidgames download the files, re upload them so people have multiple choices and hopefully no dead links in the future.

We now have half empty, claiming to be the original theme creator (na Yaron), with only a mouthy loud and foul mouth newbie saying that this person is Yaron.

I said that I will remove the bold statements, that the theme is dead and the creator is inactive, once it has been proved that he is indeed Yaron, and until that is proved then the bold can stay.

I would trust your word, a mod or admin's word, but I would not trust the word of a newbie, or a foul mouth friend of his.

The thread had been dead for months, and yes it should have stayed open for users of that theme, but when you have new users wanting to know where the files were, re hosting them etc etc, I done a soft lockdown on the thread.

E.G THE THREAD IS DEAD, FILES ARE DEAD, THEME CREATOR INACTIVE that way it stops new users from posting the same thing over and over again, at least if they see and read the bold then they will hopefully not post asking where the files are.

The only thing that I find suspect, is that the original theme creator Yaron has been inactive for months, and now suddenly a new account saying I am the creator. The blokes mannerism and typing does not match up to the original creator from what I can read.

Hence why, until someone confirms that it is him 100% I am taking it with a pinch of salt.



You are seriously annoying, so much so that you wake up the dead.
Please remove all your posts from my thread.

Fixed the download link.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 06:10:35 AM by na »

Mark Norville

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Welcome back, bold has been removed as promised.

You are a bit more believable on your old account.
Well I am back a new PC I7 4790K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Windows 10. Hopefully will get delivered at weekend.

Computer Specs : I7 3770K, 780 TI, 16 Gigs, Win 10
HD Specs : 1 x 1 TB SSD + 4 x 8 TB = 33 TB (fullish)
First system : ZX81 (Yes I am an old fart)
PS Network : MarkNorvile
Xbox : Mark Norville


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All is good, removed the fighting posts.


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Quick question that will hopefully be noticed in the next day or two (since that's my time limit).

I had all the frontends for my various systems set up to point to the themes in this package.  I did this on a 4K system.  But the intended platform is a 1080p laptop.  I have noticed that when I migrate to said laptop, all of the themes go out of whack.  Mostly the elements are strewn about and the wheel is missing (off-camera to the right?), but in some cases (like Odyssey 2) everything immediately fades to black—possibly because a misplaced, pure black image is covering everything?

Anyway, it's an easy guess that these themes are detecting 4K from the start, but then getting "locked" to 4K, so that they no longer work correctly on a lower resolution like 1080p.

Whatever's actually going on, I'm wondering what my options are here.  Right now, I'm considering keeping two entire copies of AttractMode + these themes, and letting one on them lock to 4K and the other to 1080p.


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Love the themes!

So far I dove in and moved the PS1 console over to the right about 500 pixel I guess, Bandi to behind the T.V. and over to the right a bit & I have edited out the frame rate counter and the Steam message out of the video in the gtc-common. Same encoders although no quality spared on the output. Also changed the background on the PS1, not really sure what the background that's there is from (Crash or Lion King are my guesses) Doesn't look familiar to me aside from that. Couldn't find a really clean old Mech Warrior 2 background so I'm doing a modern artistic one with old Mechs.

I have uploaded the gtc-common bkg video here if you need it for the collection.

To make the edit yourself instead, all I did was take a picture of the bottom corner in my video player while full-screen, open that picture in gimp, paint over the FPS counter on frame one then put that picture in the bottom corner of the screen in Avidemux and then saved the edit with identical encoders.

Next I want to move the arcade machine down & possibly make marquee shorter as well so that I can see the fan & configure the marquees to line up with the new setting. The ceiling fan is a neat touch but is covered up by the cab 99% of the time, I think it would be cool to see it and I don't need to see the controls since my cabs physical controls are there.

Plan on adding 4-5 more and then a system selector most likely iomenu if it's not too difficult to get it up and running. Way smoother than my HyperSpin install & way easier & love that you can adjust it inside of attract. Helps me out doing a lot of the file work on my main computer, copying it over and then just selecting stuff with the stick controls once it's on there. Would be even easier if I had space on my main PCs C drive for a mirror setup, but I don't. $20 230g ssd Arcade and $50 120g 7 years ago ssd in my main PC ;D.


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Great work!! Your themes works, ith attract plus ?