I can surely add that as another option in the layout to be enabled. It is just finding a spot for it without making things to cluttered.
Also, keep in mind that I've already added the ability turn on system logos for that very purpose. And, robospin already has several system logos included like atari, mame, nes, snes and sega. Yes, its a little bit more work on the user's end to add the system logo's not included and few minor changes to the code. But, it essentially serves the same purpose by giving you a visual que on what display you are using. You just need to modify the code to match what displays you have configured for AM and the corresponding system logos you want to use placed in your layout folder. See example below. Again, it's a little more work on your part, but it also gives you greater flexibility and customization.
function transition_callback(ttype, var, ttime)
switch ( ttype )
case Transition.ToNewList:
switch ( )
case "MAME":
logo.file_name = "mame.png";
case "SNES":
logo.file_name = "snes.png";
case "NES":
logo.file_name = "nes.png";
case "GENESIS":
logo.file_name = "sega.png";
case "kat5200":
logo.file_name = "atari.png";