I dont find in anywhere eCarddass??? this is a emulator? where i found the cards?

You need to read from the start on threads, however, this is a pretty hard one for newbies to set up. This is for the ecards from page 1
Setup Guide III (eCarddass)
1. attract cfg file setup sample
Code: [Select]
display CARDDASS
romlist CARDDASS
in_cycle yes
in_menu yes
filter All
filter Favourites
rule Favourite equals 1
2. Emulators cfg file setup sample
Code: [Select]
artwork flyer ..\am\emu\CARDDASS\flyer
artwork flyerhv ..\am\emu\CARDDASS\flyerHori;..\am\emu\CARDDASS\flyerVert
artwork flyerhvs ..\am\emu\CARDDASS\flyerHori;..\am\emu\CARDDASS\flyerVert
3. Handle of Cards
a. Put all cards to ..\CARDDASS\flyer
b. Copy all Vertical cards to ..\CARDDASS\flyerVert
c. Copy all Horizontal cards to ..\CARDDASS\flyerHori , then using photo batch tool to rotation all cards to +90 degree, it means let Horizontal cards to Vertical.
4. Setup background music for each system
You may put mp3 background music in ..\layouts\GAMERS_DEFAULT\bgMusic folder and the file name is same as each system name.
5. Disable Confirm Favourites
Tab-> General-> Confirm Favourites-> No
6. Apply CARDDASS Display
Tab-> Displays-> [SYSTEM]-> Layout-> Select "GAMERS_CARDDASS" Layout
7. Setup key to open Carddass Station
Tab-> Displays-> CARDDASS-> Layout-> Layout Options-> set Controls key to open carddass station
8. Setup Screen Saver
Tab-> Displays-> CARDDASS-> Layout-> Layout Options-> set Screen Saver timeout value as you like