Author Topic: Newbie’s question  (Read 3830 times)


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Newbie’s question
« on: March 20, 2022, 10:59:59 PM »
Hello everyone! I'm a relatively novice so I apologize if my question is easily resolved. So, I wonder whether it is possible to have a download section on the main page for members themes? Thanks a lot!

Mark Norville

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Re: Newbie’s question
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2022, 12:43:21 AM »
Hi Garry,

Welcome to the forum. Do you mean the main Attract Mode website, or do you mean a page inside of the forum?

If all of the themes were on the front page of the main AM website then hardly any one would come in the forum.

You would also have resellers who bundle roms together and then sell emulation set ups, so if they just went download that one, this one, bundle it together sell it on eBay then we end up with the fall out if that does not work correctly, as obviously people will start blaming us then.

Also just to say no front end that I have seen offers downloads of themes on their main web page, you always need to sign up, pay membership or whatever else.


If you mean a main page on the forum, E.G a sticky I was going to suggest that yesterday funny enough, but someone would have to download the themes, upload them to storage, link the files and then potentially have a lot of questions about the skin by new users.

So let's call the person the theme curator (as in a museum) they might not even use the theme, so you will have a lot of support answers needed, when in reality the main person to provide support would be the actual themer themselves. We had one skin mentioned a couple of days ago. The nut file which is the back bone of a skin was in a different language. You would need to translate all of that to English, just to work on it. It was a skin that I did not want, so to me to spend two days translating and then finding out how it works for a skin that I do not want was a waste of my time, and it might be a waste of other people's time as well.

Sadly you do get people that leave for real life, and in respects the theme can die.

You also already have this thread which is a gallery of themes, and people have linked their themes to the thread, so pretty much it is already done, you just got to follow the links. If the download links are dead, and no one has posted for two odd years, then pretty much unless someone has a copy laying around somewhere, then it is a dead theme.


« Last Edit: March 21, 2022, 01:31:45 AM by Mark Norville »
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