Hey to all of you that are making themes thank you. You guys are very good at what you do..and talented. They say the clothes make the person. You are dressing Attract mode up sharp and making it look like it's buying fine clothes!
This is coming from a person who has no "idea of art". I can't think in that way..but I am always fascinated by it..so take that how you want to.
I've noticed a lot of "balanced" themes here (elegance and simplicity) hard to do. Thanks for your hard work I guess is what I am saying..thanks for making Attract Mode look the best!
As for the question...(and I am going to make myself out as an idiot here lol) I don't know where to get these themes. (except through the forums..which are getting tough to navigate..you are busy people!
) I know on the github there are other themes..but what do you think about a central location for the themes for download? and/or then maybe a option to download them from within Attract Mode? (have to get with ray on that one)