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Messages - yxiie

Pages: [1] 2
Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.8 [Release] Updated 28 June 2022
« on: June 30, 2022, 01:05:50 PM »
Is there a place to download old versions? Github page only shows 13.2 as the lowest and your website links are dead.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.8 [Release] Updated 28 June 2022
« on: June 30, 2022, 12:58:11 PM »
Please see attached

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.8 [Release] Updated 28 June 2022
« on: June 30, 2022, 10:51:31 AM »
No error messages, just "attract mode not responding". All the .db1/.db2 files are present in the romlist dir so I don't think it generates them.
Even when I change only 1 romlist layout in attract.cfg it still hangs when opening that romlist
The console says:

*** Initializing display: 'Sega SG-1000'
 - Loaded master romlist 'Sega SG-1000' in 17 ms (43 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (86 comparisons)

And that's it. I have been waiting for 10 minutes and nothing - still in hung state.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.8 [Release] Updated 28 June 2022
« on: June 30, 2022, 08:14:34 AM »
I have another question.
I have over 200 romlists in attract mode - they are configured to use Arcade Flow 6.0
I am trying to switch them to latest version by replacing "Arcade Flow 6.0" with "Arcadeflow-13.8" in attract.cfg, however when I do it the romlist hangs the attract mode when I try to open it.
When I switch layout in the config all is file. Is there any other data that needs to be copied/edited for this to work? I don't want to manually change layout for all 200 romlists. I assume latest version of Arcade Flow stores some extra data somewhere.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.8 [Release] Updated 28 June 2022
« on: June 30, 2022, 08:03:08 AM »
Makes sense. I have replaced " with ' in the romlist and it started to work. Thanks for the clarification!
Will fix my tools that generate romlists to replace " chars there

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.8 [Release] Updated 28 June 2022
« on: June 29, 2022, 09:39:15 AM »
I have disabled screensaver but it didn't help. The error happens right after the progress bar with "arcadeflow" text fully fills in.
The romlist and cfg I have posted earlier in attachment to this message:
Snap artwork is there, but maybe it's filename encoding issue? That romlist has some hieroglyphs in game names.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.8 [Release] Updated 28 June 2022
« on: June 29, 2022, 07:48:45 AM »
Then it suits me, no need to add anything :)
Btw, great improvements since version 6.0 - love how much faster it became after initial load.

However I have tried to load my largest romlsit for Flash Games that has 25k items and Arcadeflow failed to load - displayed the empty list. Here is the crash info:

Code: [Select]
*** Initializing display: 'Adobe Flash'
 - Loaded master romlist 'Adobe Flash' in 406 ms (24667 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 1 ms (49334 comparisons)
 - Loaded layout: G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcade Flow 5.4/ (layout.nut)
Writing config to: G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'Adobe Flash'
 - Loaded master romlist 'Adobe Flash' in 352 ms (24667 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 1 ms (49334 comparisons)

WARNING: some options in attract.cfg clash with Arcadeflow

 - Loaded layout: G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.8/ (layout.nut)

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'Memory Game' does not exist]

*FUNCTION [z_listboot()] G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.8/layout.nut line [6367]
*FUNCTION [on_transition()] G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.8/layout.nut line [14826]

[z_list] TABLE
[meta_edited] TABLE
[meta_original] TABLE
[all_meta_edited] TABLE
[all_meta_original] TABLE
[metadata] TABLE
[system_data] TABLE
[i] 20040
[currentsystem] "adobe flash"
[ifeindex] 20031
[this] TABLE
[prf] TABLE
[z_list] TABLE
[focusindex] TABLE
[tilez] ARRAY
[transdata] ARRAY
[flowT] TABLE
[snd] TABLE
[vidposbg] 0
[vidstarter] 10000
[bgs] TABLE
[vidbgfade] ARRAY
[multifilterglyph] INSTANCE
[searchdata] INSTANCE
[search] TABLE
[z_var] 0
[var] 0
[logotitle] NULL
[boxtitle] NULL
[attract] TABLE
[displayname] INSTANCE
[displaystore] 14
[prfzero] TABLE
[zmenu_surface_container] INSTANCE
[zmenu_sh] TABLE
[noshader] INSTANCE
[zmenu] TABLE
[tiles] TABLE
[corrector] 0
[column] TABLE
[letterobj] INSTANCE
[mon2] TABLE
[dat] TABLE
[surfacePos] 0
[centercorr] TABLE
[impulse2] TABLE
[ttime] 0
[var0] 0
[ttype] 6
[this] TABLE
Script Error in transition function: on_transition - the index 'Memory Game' does not exist
 ! Unexpectedly lost focus to: explorer.exe (4240)

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index '0' does not exist]

*FUNCTION [attractupdatesnap()] G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.8/layout.nut line [12869]
*FUNCTION [tick()] G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.8/layout.nut line [15395]

[z_list] TABLE
[attractitem] TABLE
[system_data] TABLE
[attract] TABLE
[randload] 0
[this] TABLE
[prf] TABLE
[huecycle] TABLE
[snap_glow] ARRAY
[focusindex] TABLE
[tilez] ARRAY
[snd] TABLE
[dispatchernum] 0
[z_list] TABLE
[dispatcher] ARRAY
[kb] TABLE
[timescale] TABLE
[pixelpic] INSTANCE
[spdT] TABLE
[delayvid] 9933
[vidstarter] 10000
[fadevid] 9894
[count] TABLE
[overlay] TABLE
[zmenu] TABLE
[attract] TABLE
[disp] TABLE
[bgs] TABLE
[attractitem] TABLE
[flowT] TABLE
[squarizer] true
[letterobj] INSTANCE
[letterobjsurf] TABLE
[fl] TABLE
[displayname] INSTANCE
[displaynamesurf] TABLE
[tilesTableUpdate] ARRAY
[noshader] INSTANCE
[tilesTableZoom] ARRAY
[aspectratioMorph] ARRAY
[var] 0
[gr_vidszTableFade] ARRAY
[dat] TABLE
[mon2] TABLE
[impulse2] TABLE
[srfposhistory] ARRAY
[filtersw] ARRAY
[tiles] TABLE
[surfacePosOffset] 2044
[tilesTablePos] TABLE
[globalposnew] -1547
[surfacePos] 0
[vidposbg] 0
[vidbgfade] ARRAY
[corrector] 0
[vidpos] ARRAY
[vidindex] ARRAY
[overmenu] INSTANCE
[overmenuwidth] 763.2
[frost] TABLE
[keyboard_surface] INSTANCE
[themeT] TABLE
[frostpic] TABLE
[zmenu_sh] TABLE
[prfmenu] TABLE
[zmenu_surface_container] INSTANCE
[hist_screensurf] INSTANCE
[hist_glow_pic] INSTANCE
[hist] TABLE
[hist_screenT] TABLE
[historypadding] 38.2
[shadowsurf_rt] INSTANCE
[histglow] TABLE
[shadow] TABLE
[hist_over] TABLE
[hist_titletxt_bot] INSTANCE
[hist_title] INSTANCE
[hist_titleT] TABLE
[hist_titletxt_bd] INSTANCE
[hist_titletxt] INSTANCE
[hist_title_top] INSTANCE
[aflogo] INSTANCE
[user_fg] NULL
[hist_screen] INSTANCE
[shadowsurf_1] INSTANCE
[shadowsurf_2] INSTANCE
[hist_text_surf] INSTANCE
[history_surface] INSTANCE
[tick_time] 132625
[this] TABLE
Script Error in tick function: tick - the index '0' does not exist

I have opened "Adobe Flash" romlist which had Arcadeflow 5.7 assigned for it initially, and loaded it up fine, then I switched it to Arcadeflow-13.8 in attract mode displays options and got this crash

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.8 [Release] Updated 28 June 2022
« on: June 29, 2022, 01:33:43 AM »
What if I will delete .db1 and .db2 files when generating new .txt? Would that force regeneration up to date .db1 and .db2 files?

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.8 [Release] Updated 28 June 2022
« on: June 29, 2022, 12:25:54 AM »
I've changed the line 2872 from
Code: [Select]
    if (artworktable.snap.find(";") != null){to
Code: [Select]
    if ("snap" in artworktable && artworktable.snap.find(";") != null){and it loaded up fine.

I have a question about .db1 / .db2 files - are they automatically refreshed when .txt romlist changed? Some of my .txt romlists are generated by external scripts.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.8 [Release] Updated 28 June 2022
« on: June 28, 2022, 01:21:19 PM »
Arcadeflow 13.8 is out!

- Added support for pixel perfect fonts
- Correct UI elements alignment with pixels
- Fixed issue with number of rows in menus
- Fixed issue when converting romlist to db

New crash now:

Code: [Select]
Attract-Mode Plus v2.6.2 (Windows, SFML 2.5.1 +7z +Curl)
avcodec 58.54.100 / avformat 58.29.100 / swscale 5.5.100 / avutil 56.31.100 / swresample 3.5.100

Config: G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'Sega Genesis'
 - Loaded master romlist 'Sega Genesis' in 13 ms (906 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (1812 comparisons)

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'snap' does not exist]

*FUNCTION [getemulatordata()] G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.8/layout.nut line [2872]
*FUNCTION [getallgamesdb()] G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.8/layout.nut line [6276]
*FUNCTION [main()] G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.8/layout.nut line [14674]

[workdir] ""
[artworktable] TABLE
[mainsysname] "Apple Bandai Pippin"
[extras] ""
[romextarray] ARRAY
[romext] ".chd"
[gamepath] "16t (Japan)"
[rompath] "G:\Games\Apple Bandai Pippin/"
[inline] ARRAY
[infile] INSTANCE
[out] TABLE
[emulatorname] "Apple Bandai Pippin.cfg"
[this] TABLE
[fl] TABLE
[prf] TABLE
[uifonts] TABLE
[z_list] TABLE
[item] "Apple Bandai Pippin.cfg"
[i] 6
[itemname] "Apple Bandai Pippin"
[file] ""
[emulatordir] ARRAY
[emulatorpath] "G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\emulators\"
[emulatorarray] ARRAY
[text_charsize] 185.6
[text_ratio] 0.6
[numchars] 12
[textobj] INSTANCE
[logopic] INSTANCE
[this] TABLE
[labelcounter] TABLE
[labelorder] ARRAY
[sortticks] TABLE
[sortticksarray] ARRAY
[sortlabels] TABLE
[sortlabelsarray] ARRAY
[fps] TABLE
[user_fg] NULL
[aflogoT] TABLE
[aflogo] INSTANCE
[attractitem] TABLE
[attract] TABLE
[zmenu_surface] INSTANCE
[shader_tx2] TABLE
[zmenu_sh] TABLE
[zmenu_surface_container] INSTANCE
[disp] TABLE
[disp0] TABLE
[hist_over] TABLE
[hist_screen] INSTANCE
[hist_screensurf] INSTANCE
[shadowshader] TABLE
[kerneldat] TABLE
[blursizeglow] TABLE
[hist_glow_shader] INSTANCE
[hist_glow_pic] INSTANCE
[shadowsurf_1] INSTANCE
[shadowsurf_2] INSTANCE
[shadowsurf_rt] INSTANCE
[shadow] TABLE
[histglow] TABLE
[gradshader] INSTANCE
[hist_text] TABLE
[hist_text_surf] INSTANCE
[shader_lcd] INSTANCE
[pixelpic] INSTANCE
[shader_lottes] INSTANCE
[hist_titletxt] INSTANCE
[hist_titletxt_bd] INSTANCE
[hist_titletxt_bot] INSTANCE
[hist_title_top] INSTANCE
[hist_title] INSTANCE
[hist_white] INSTANCE
[histgr] TABLE
[history_surface] INSTANCE
[hist_curr_rom] ""
[historypadding] 38
[shadowscale] 0.025
[hist_textT] TABLE
[hist_screenT] TABLE
[hist_titleT] TABLE
[hist] TABLE
[keyboard_text] INSTANCE
[kb] TABLE
[keyboard_surface] INSTANCE
[fb] TABLE
[prfmenu] TABLE
[overmenu] INSTANCE
[overmenuwidth] 828
[txtoalpha] INSTANCE
[bwtoalpha] INSTANCE
[gamed] TABLE
[blsize] TABLE
[letterobj] INSTANCE
[letterobjsurf] TABLE
[displayname] INSTANCE
[displaynamesurf] TABLE
[labelsurf] INSTANCE
[labelstrip] INSTANCE
[scroller2] INSTANCE
[scroller] INSTANCE
[scrollineglow] INSTANCE
[scrolline] INSTANCE
[separatorline] INSTANCE
[filternumbers] INSTANCE
[filterdata] INSTANCE
[data_surface_sh_1] INSTANCE
[data_surface_sh_2] INSTANCE
[data_surface_sh_rt] INSTANCE
[shader_tx] TABLE
[sh_scale] TABLE
[shaders] TABLE
[gradscaler] 1
[gradsizer] 8
[logo] TABLE
[greenshader] TABLE
[gr_vidsz] INSTANCE
[gr_snapz] INSTANCE
[gradsurf_1] INSTANCE
[gradsurf_rt] INSTANCE
[logosurf_rt] INSTANCE
[logosurf_1] INSTANCE
[txbox] INSTANCE
[txt2z] INSTANCE
[txt1z] INSTANCE
[txshz] INSTANCE
[loshz] INSTANCE
[snap_grad] ARRAY
[snap_glow] ARRAY
[surfacePosOffset] 2212
[tiles] TABLE
[vidbgfade] ARRAY
[vidposbg] 0
[corrector] 0
[vidindex] ARRAY
[vidpos] ARRAY
[aspectratioMorph] ARRAY
[gr_vidszTableFade] ARRAY
[tilesTableZoom] ARRAY
[tilesTableUpdate] ARRAY
[tilesTablePos] TABLE
[tilez] ARRAY
[z_disp] ARRAY
[picture] TABLE
[shader_bg] TABLE
[bglay] TABLE
[mon2] TABLE
[shader_fr] TABLE
[flipshader] NULL
[frost] TABLE
[frostpic] TABLE
[overlay] TABLE
[categorytable] TABLE
[regsys] TABLE
[data_surface] INSTANCE
[nolist_blanker] INSTANCE
[search] TABLE
[searchdata] INSTANCE
[multifilterglyph] INSTANCE
[mf] TABLE
[boxtitle] NULL
[logotitle] NULL
[all_scrape] TABLE
[all_meta_original] TABLE
[all_meta_edited] TABLE
[meta_original] TABLE
[meta_edited] TABLE
[metadata] TABLE
[yearnames] TABLE
[catnames_SS] TABLE
[catnames] TABLE
[focusindex] TABLE
[z_fields2] TABLE
[z_fields1] TABLE
[z_list] TABLE
[dispatchernum] 0
[dispatcher] ARRAY
[ratetonumber] TABLE
[keyboard_entrytext] ""
[key_selected] ARRAY
[key_sizes] ARRAY
[key_rows] ARRAY
[key_names] TABLE
[scroll] TABLE
[bgpicT] TABLE
[scrollersize] 27
[lettersize] TABLE
[fadevid] 9905
[delayvid] 9940
[vidstarter] 10000
[spdT] TABLE
[centercorr] TABLE
[deltacol] 2
[carrierT] TABLE
[pagejump] 10
[rotation] TABLE
[fl] TABLE
[scr] TABLE
[gbrgb] TABLE
[colormapper] TABLE
[srfposhistory] ARRAY
[filtersw] ARRAY
[filterw] ARRAY
[impulse2] TABLE
[surfacePos] 0
[globalposnew] 0
[count] TABLE
[snd] TABLE
[satin] TABLE
[themeT] TABLE
[squarizer] false
[column] TABLE
[backs] TABLE
[search_base_rule] "Title"
[noshader] INSTANCE
[flowT] TABLE
[z_var] 0
[var] 0
[dat] TABLE
[bgs] TABLE
[bgvidsurf] NULL
[dir0] TABLE
[commandtable] TABLE
[system_data] TABLE
[orderdatalabel] TABLE
[huecycle] TABLE
[displaystore] 0
[prfzero] TABLE
[z_info] TABLE
[transdata] ARRAY
[menucounter] 18
[multifilterz] TABLE
[umvisible] true
[umpresel] 0
[umtable] ARRAY
[selection_pre] NULL
[prf] TABLE
[DBGON] false
[z_af_collections] TABLE
[uifonts] TABLE
[zmenu] TABLE
[gh] TABLE
[ap] """
[elapse] TABLE
[vargv] ARRAY
[this] TABLE
Script Error in G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.8/layout.nut - the index 'snap' does not exist
 - Loaded layout: G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.8/ (layout.nut)

Supposed romlist and cfg that causes crash attached.

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.7 [Release] Updated 14 June 2022
« on: June 28, 2022, 12:00:58 AM »
Thanks a lot! Looking forward to that  :)

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.7 [Release] Updated 14 June 2022
« on: June 27, 2022, 06:54:46 AM »
It seems AF crashes when trying to create db1 and db2, or at least trying to read from them. It happens on the "Flash Games" romlist, can you share the emulator .cfg file and the romlist .txt file for that system? Sometimes special characters in romlists cause issues with the db creation :(

Sure, see attached.
Indeed, that file has unicode characters in UTF-8, however old versions of ArcadeFlow (6.0) were working fine with them

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.7 [Release] Updated 14 June 2022
« on: June 27, 2022, 12:09:18 AM »
I need more detail to debug this, can you provide the full output of the console, or the last-run log? That would help me in identifying the problem.

Ops, didn't notice there is a call stack way above that error, sure, here is the log:
Code: [Select]
Attract-Mode Plus v2.6.2 (Windows, SFML 2.5.1 +7z +Curl)
avcodec 58.54.100 / avformat 58.29.100 / swscale 5.5.100 / avutil 56.31.100 / swresample 3.5.100

Config: G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'Sega Genesis'
 - Loaded master romlist 'Sega Genesis' in 12 ms (906 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (1812 comparisons)

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [expected '=']

*FUNCTION [getallgamesdb()] G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.7/layout.nut line [6195]
*FUNCTION [main()] G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.7/layout.nut line [14586]

[fl] TABLE
[prf] TABLE
[uifonts] TABLE
[z_list] TABLE
[item] "Adobe Flash.cfg"
[i] 3
[itemname] "Adobe Flash"
[file] ""
[emulatordir] ARRAY
[emulatorpath] "G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\emulators\"
[emulatorarray] ARRAY
[text_charsize] 185.6
[text_ratio] 0.6
[numchars] 12
[textobj] INSTANCE
[logopic] INSTANCE
[this] TABLE
[labelcounter] TABLE
[labelorder] ARRAY
[sortticks] TABLE
[sortticksarray] ARRAY
[sortlabels] TABLE
[sortlabelsarray] ARRAY
[fps] TABLE
[user_fg] NULL
[aflogoT] TABLE
[aflogo] INSTANCE
[attractitem] TABLE
[attract] TABLE
[zmenu_surface] INSTANCE
[shader_tx2] TABLE
[zmenu_sh] TABLE
[zmenu_surface_container] INSTANCE
[disp] TABLE
[disp0] TABLE
[hist_over] TABLE
[hist_screen] INSTANCE
[hist_screensurf] INSTANCE
[shadowshader] TABLE
[kerneldat] TABLE
[blursizeglow] TABLE
[hist_glow_shader] INSTANCE
[hist_glow_pic] INSTANCE
[shadowsurf_1] INSTANCE
[shadowsurf_2] INSTANCE
[shadowsurf_rt] INSTANCE
[shadow] TABLE
[histglow] TABLE
[gradshader] INSTANCE
[hist_text] TABLE
[hist_text_surf] INSTANCE
[shader_lcd] INSTANCE
[pixelpic] INSTANCE
[shader_lottes] INSTANCE
[hist_titletxt] INSTANCE
[hist_titletxt_bd] INSTANCE
[hist_titletxt_bot] INSTANCE
[hist_title_top] INSTANCE
[hist_title] INSTANCE
[hist_white] INSTANCE
[histgr] TABLE
[history_surface] INSTANCE
[hist_curr_rom] ""
[historypadding] 38
[shadowscale] 0.025
[hist_textT] TABLE
[hist_screenT] TABLE
[hist_titleT] TABLE
[hist] TABLE
[keyboard_text] INSTANCE
[kb] TABLE
[keyboard_surface] INSTANCE
[fb] TABLE
[prfmenu] TABLE
[overmenu] INSTANCE
[overmenuwidth] 826.152
[txtoalpha] INSTANCE
[bwtoalpha] INSTANCE
[game_subnameT] TABLE
[game_mainnameT] TABLE
[game_yearT] TABLE
[game_manufacturerpicT] TABLE
[game_maincatT] TABLE
[game_butpicT] TABLE
[game_ctlpicT] TABLE
[game_plypicT] TABLE
[game_catpicT] TABLE
[blsize] TABLE
[letterobj] INSTANCE
[letterobjsurf] TABLE
[displayname] INSTANCE
[displaynamesurf] TABLE
[labelsurf] INSTANCE
[labelstrip] INSTANCE
[scroller2] INSTANCE
[scroller] INSTANCE
[scrollineglow] INSTANCE
[scrolline] INSTANCE
[separatorline] INSTANCE
[filternumbers] INSTANCE
[filterdata] INSTANCE
[data_surface_sh_1] INSTANCE
[data_surface_sh_2] INSTANCE
[data_surface_sh_rt] INSTANCE
[shader_tx] TABLE
[sh_scale] TABLE
[shaders] TABLE
[gradscaler] 1
[gradsizer] 8
[logo] TABLE
[greenshader] TABLE
[gr_vidsz] INSTANCE
[gr_snapz] INSTANCE
[gradsurf_1] INSTANCE
[gradsurf_rt] INSTANCE
[logosurf_rt] INSTANCE
[logosurf_1] INSTANCE
[txbox] INSTANCE
[txt2z] INSTANCE
[txt1z] INSTANCE
[txshz] INSTANCE
[loshz] INSTANCE
[snap_grad] ARRAY
[snap_glow] ARRAY
[surfacePosOffset] 2215.7333333333
[tiles] TABLE
[vidbgfade] ARRAY
[vidposbg] 0
[corrector] 0
[vidindex] ARRAY
[vidpos] ARRAY
[aspectratioMorph] ARRAY
[gr_vidszTableFade] ARRAY
[tilesTableZoom] ARRAY
[tilesTableUpdate] ARRAY
[tilesTablePos] TABLE
[tilez] ARRAY
[z_disp] ARRAY
[picture] TABLE
[shader_bg] TABLE
[bglay] TABLE
[mon2] TABLE
[shader_fr] TABLE
[flipshader] NULL
[frost] TABLE
[frostpic] TABLE
[overlay] TABLE
[categorytable] TABLE
[regsys] TABLE
[data_surface] INSTANCE
[nolist_blanker] INSTANCE
[search] TABLE
[searchdata] INSTANCE
[multifilterglyph] INSTANCE
[mf] TABLE
[boxtitle] NULL
[logotitle] NULL
[all_scrape] TABLE
[all_meta_original] TABLE
[all_meta_edited] TABLE
[meta_original] TABLE
[meta_edited] TABLE
[metadata] TABLE
[yearnames] TABLE
[catnames_SS] TABLE
[catnames] TABLE
[focusindex] TABLE
[z_fields2] TABLE
[z_fields1] TABLE
[z_list] TABLE
[dispatchernum] 0
[dispatcher] ARRAY
[ratetonumber] TABLE
[keyboard_entrytext] ""
[key_selected] ARRAY
[key_sizes] ARRAY
[key_rows] ARRAY
[key_names] TABLE
[scroll] TABLE
[bgpicT] TABLE
[scrollersize] 27
[footermargin] 333.33333333333
[lettersize] TABLE
[fadevid] 9905
[delayvid] 9940
[vidstarter] 10000
[spdT] TABLE
[centercorr] TABLE
[deltacol] 2
[selectorwidth] 917.94666666667
[whitemargin] 0.15
[selectorscale] 1.45
[carrierT] TABLE
[pagejump] 10
[cols] 7
[verticalshift] 15.826666666667
[widthpaddedmix] 633.06666666667
[widthmix] 474.8
[width169padded] 455.01666666667
[width169] 296.75
[heightpadded] 633.06666666667
[widthpadded] 633.06666666667
[padding] 79.133333333333
[width] 474.8
[height] 474.8
[padding_scaler] 0.16666666666667
[footer] TABLE
[header] TABLE
[scalerate] 1.3333333333333
[rotation] TABLE
[fl] TABLE
[scr] TABLE
[vertical] true
[rows] 2
[gbrgb] TABLE
[colormapper] TABLE
[srfposhistory] ARRAY
[filtersw] ARRAY
[filterw] ARRAY
[impulse2] TABLE
[surfacePos] 0
[globalposnew] 0
[count] TABLE
[snd] TABLE
[satin] TABLE
[themeT] TABLE
[squarizer] false
[column] TABLE
[backs] TABLE
[search_base_rule] "Title"
[noshader] INSTANCE
[flowT] TABLE
[z_var] 0
[var] 0
[dat] TABLE
[bgs] TABLE
[bgvidsurf] NULL
[dir0] TABLE
[commandtable] TABLE
[system_data] TABLE
[orderdatalabel] TABLE
[huecycle] TABLE
[displaystore] 0
[prfzero] TABLE
[z_info] TABLE
[transdata] ARRAY
[menucounter] 18
[multifilterz] TABLE
[umvisible] true
[umpresel] 0
[umtable] ARRAY
[selection_pre] NULL
[prf] TABLE
[DBGON] false
[z_af_collections] TABLE
[uifonts] TABLE
[zmenu] TABLE
[gh] TABLE
[ap] """
[elapse] TABLE
[vargv] ARRAY
[this] TABLE
Script Error in G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.7/layout.nut - expected '='
 - Loaded layout: G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.7/ (layout.nut)
 ! Unexpectedly lost focus to: explorer.exe (2204)

Apparently I have romlist in .txt format, but don't have .db1 or .db2 files for it. What should I do to generate them?

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 13.7 [Release] Updated 14 June 2022
« on: June 26, 2022, 08:30:52 AM »
After couple of years I am back to emulation and trying to use attact mode + arcade flow again (last version I was using was 6.0) and I can't get version 13.7 to work.
I have downloaded latest version of AttractPlus and Arcadeflow, but when I switch layout to Arcadeflow-13.7 the display just shows big black and white "arcadeflow" logo fitting the whole screen and nothing else.
In the consolde there is an error:

Script Error in G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.7/layout.nut - expected '='
 - Loaded layout: G:\SuperConsole\AttactPlus\layouts/Arcadeflow-13.7/ (layout.nut)

any ideas?

Themes / Re: Arcadeflow theme v 6.0 [Release] Updated 2 December 2019
« on: December 19, 2019, 03:17:26 AM »
Any plans on supporting arbitrary aspect ratios? Many box covers like Wii U and PSP look ugly right now.

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