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General / Re: Basic questions for my layout
« Last post by zestful on Today at 10:17:05 AM »
You can bind the change of layout to a custom button as in the example I provided. 

Bind custom1 to button X, custom2 to button Y, then have all your attribute positioned for horizontal layout on one button press, and verticle on the other.
General / Re: Basic questions for my layout
« Last post by Elaphe666 on Today at 09:44:47 AM »
                _my_image = fe.add_image( "help.png", 0, 0 );

The 0,0 is your X and Y cords, change those to position it where you want

I know, but I have to write the code for the popup and it wil be valid for centering the image in one of my layouts. I am using the same button in both cases. It can't be centered in both because one is horizontal and the other one is vertical. I wonder if there is an option in the pop up code to tell the program to use certain x and y values for the horizontal layout and others for the vertical layout.
General / Re: Basic questions for my layout
« Last post by zestful on Today at 08:24:50 AM »
                _my_image = fe.add_image( "help.png", 0, 0 );

The 0,0 is your X and Y cords, change those to position it where you want

If you're rotating the layout you could look at a switch statement tied to one of the custom buttons attract mode offers and change all your items positions inside of that.   You can use the same approach for menuselect vs launching games

Code: [Select]
    //Signal Handlers

    //--Define what interactions should do on the layout
    function interationControls(sig)
        switch (sig)
            case "custom1": //button x for example (set in menu of attract mode the key to use)
                logo.x = 500 // just an example
                return true;

General / Re: Mixing roms and exe on a screen.
« Last post by zestful on Today at 08:19:28 AM »
in emulators folder just add it to the config file for that system

Code: [Select]
executable           mame
workdir              $PROGDIR/emulators/mame
rompath              $PROGDIR/emulators/mame/roms
romext               .zip;.chd;[b].exe[/b]
system               Arcade
args               [name]

artwork    box2d           $PROGDIR/collections/MAME/box2d
artwork    box3d           $PROGDIR/collections/MAME/box3d
artwork    cab             $PROGDIR/collections/MAME/cab
artwork    fanart          $PROGDIR/collections/MAME/fanart
artwork    snap            $PROGDIR/collections/MAME/snap
artwork    wheel          $PROGDIR/collections/MAME/wheel
Scripting / Re: Animate video?
« Last post by zestful on Today at 08:16:46 AM »
Check out:

You could do something like this with a video

Code: [Select]
video = Inertia( video , 1500, "y");

    function moveMainVideo( ttype, var, ttime )
        if( ttype == Transition.FromOldSelection || ttype == Transition.EndNavigation )

            video.tween_all = Tween.Elastic;
            video.loop_y = false;
            video.y = -700;
            video.to_y = 0;
            video.delay_y = 0;
        if( ttype == Transition.ToNewSelection){video.y = -700}


    fe.add_transition_callback( "moveMainVideo" )
Themes / Re: Nostalgic Build, theme per system AM+
« Last post by zestful on Today at 07:11:35 AM »
Added in achievements (badge unlocks) and stats section into the build, run through of how it's done here:
General / Mixing roms and exe on a screen.
« Last post by justintime on Yesterday at 08:05:53 PM »
I searched and couldn't find an answer to this. 

Is there a way to have my layout set up so that on the list of games I can run regular mame roms but also mix in there some executables?   I have some autoit exe files that perform some actions on my arcade cabinet that I would like to be able to launch from within AM.   If not possible then at least I believe I can create a separate layout that hosts the scripts and launch from that screen instead. 

 The homepage info states the following which I think is what I'm after:
Supports per-game customization of the game launch commandline (executable and parameters).

How is this implemented?
Themes / Re: Classic Anime & Tokusatsu (C.A.T.) JukeBox v2 update 18
« Last post by kent79 on Yesterday at 04:57:52 PM »
Update to v2 update 18

- update framerate of wheel gif animation file ( flashing.gif)

Now, There is 2 version layout of the theme (AM & AM+) for download. I am highly recommend using AM+ instead of AM since AM having video's picture & sound not sync issue in playback. Anyway, I hope AM will fix this issue in next version.
Scripting / Animate video?
« Last post by justintime on Yesterday at 03:49:32 PM »
I have been using the animate module to animate image based surfaces.   Is it possible to do the same for a video?   So far I have faile dmiserable, was hoping I could have a video slide in, or even change some of the pinch parameters etc with an animation.  Yes I have something very specific in mind!

Thanks for any pointers.
Scripting / Determining orientation of game?
« Last post by justintime on Yesterday at 03:06:01 PM »
So I am writing my own theme, and I am finding that in order to fine tune the display of the snap/video, I need to have a different skew and pinch depending on whether the video is horizontal or vertical.    I believe I can NOT obtain easily the width/height of the video itself even using the texture_width or texture_height properties.

So, I am thinking if I can obtain the rom/game orientation info then I can put a conditional statement in my code and format the video/snap object accordingly.

Is there a way to do this?  If not, any other workarounds?

Thanks, Im lovig the power of AM, coming from HyperSpin.
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