Attract-Mode Support Forum

Attract-Mode Support => General => Topic started by: RetroMacGamer on September 09, 2018, 10:14:28 AM

Title: Launch Retroarch Bezels from Attract Emulator ARGs - Help Please
Post by: RetroMacGamer on September 09, 2018, 10:14:28 AM
I'm trying to load a specific system bezel.cfg if the [name] bezel is not found.

I can load a specific Bezel via this args
Code: [Select]
-L /Applications/ "[romfilename]" --appendconfig "/Volumes/Roms/overlays/configs/NES.cfg"
I can load a bezel matching the rom name via this args
Code: [Select]
-L /Applications/ "[romfilename]" --appendconfig "/Volumes/Roms/overlays/configs/Nestopia/[name].cfg"
Can someone please help me how to amend the args so that if the [name] bezel is not found to then load the system bezel NES.cfg, have tried this and --appendconfig vice versa & not working.
Code: [Select]
-L /Applications/ "[romfilename]" --appendconfig "/Volumes/Roms/overlays/configs/NES.cfg --appendconfig "/Volumes/Roms/overlays/configs/Nestopia/[name].cfg"
Would appreciate if anyone can help, many thanks