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Topics - arikafgc

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Scripting / Sega Hikaru"Demul" - Fullscreen with Autohotkey
« on: November 05, 2022, 11:58:30 AM »
:D hello everyone.

I was looking for a way to run Sega Hikaru games fullscreen through Demul in fullscreen so I used this settings -run=hikaru -rom=[name] but always end up having the screen to play on windowed mode  :o.
Sega Hikaru.cfg "old settings":
Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode Plus v2.6.1
executable           D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\emulator\demul.exe
args                 -run=hikaru -rom=[name]
rompath              D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\emulator\roms
romext               .zip;.7z
system               Sega Hikaru
exit_hotkey          Escape
artwork    boxart          D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\boxart
artwork    flyer           D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\flyer
artwork    marquee         D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\marquee
artwork    snap            D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\snap
artwork    wheel           D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\wheel

Thankfully a user that goes by Bgoulette made our life much easier by making a batch file "dfs.bat" and generated an autohotkey script "demul_full_screen.ahk" that allows you to run naomi games on demul in fullscreen by adding them both inside the emulator folder.

Bgoulette's Topic "demul full screen improvements":
So I used both of his batch and script and applied it on demul to run Sega Hikaru games.

Batch file (dfs.bat):
Code: [Select]
@echo off
"C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" demul_full_screen.ahk %1

AHK script (demul_full_screen.ahk):
Code: [Select]
#SingleInstance, force
SetTitleMatchMode, 1

; Move the mouse to the bottom right:
MouseMove % A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, 0

; Display a single image as a SplashImage:
SplashImage, pixel.gif, b w%A_ScreenWidth% h%A_ScreenHeight% x0 y0 zw%A_ScreenWidth% zh%A_ScreenHeight%

RomName := A_Args[1]
Run %ComSpec% /c "demul.exe -run=hikaru -rom=%RomName%", , Hide

; When demul.exe loads a rom, its title changes to a string beginning with gpuDX11hw
WinWaitActive, gpuDX11hw, , 3
Send !{Enter}
SplashImage, Off

#IfWinActive, ahk_exe demul.exe
    WinClose, A


And the results was fascinating

Sega Hikaru.cfg "current settings":
Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode Plus v2.6.1
executable           D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\emulator\dfs.bat
args                 [name]
rompath              D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\emulator\roms
romext               .zip;.7z
system               Sega Hikaru
nb_mode_wait         5
exit_hotkey          Escape
artwork    boxart          D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\boxart
artwork    flyer           D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\flyer
artwork    marquee         D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\marquee
artwork    snap            D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\snap
artwork    wheel           D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\wheel

Only two games worked well in fullscreen
1- Air Trix
2- Brave FireFighters 

The other 3 games got blackscreen:
3- Planet Harrier
4- Nascar Racing
5- Star Wars: Racer Arcade

Anyone knows how to make these 3 games to work because we are almost done on solving Demul's fullscreen issue that we all faced long time ago I just need everyone's support to close this one.

If this issue got resolved other Demul systems such as Cave CV1000 & Gaelco will be resolved as well.


Emulators / Sony PlayStation 3 setup arg and setting
« on: September 21, 2022, 02:10:01 PM »
:D Hi everyone,
;D Hope you all having wonderful day.

Me and my friend OldGamer have figured out how to run RPCS3 emulator to work on Attract mode by following these simple steps:
1- open the emulator and then go to the emulator setting and put a check on enable exit when RPCS3 when process finishes.

2- Copy the emulator setting below:
Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode Plus v2.6.1
executable           D:\AM\Emulators\Sony Playstation 3\emulator\rpcs3.exe
args                 "[rompath]\[name]\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN" --no-gui 
rompath              D:\AM\Emulators\Sony Playstation 3\emulator\dev_hdd0\game
romext               <DIR>
system               Sony Playstation 3
info_source          listxml
exit_hotkey          Escape
artwork    boxart          D:\AM\Emulators\Sony Playstation 3\boxart
artwork    cartart         D:\AM\Emulators\Sony Playstation 3\cartart
artwork    snap            D:\AM\Emulators\Sony Playstation 3\snap
artwork    wheel           D:\AM\Emulators\Sony Playstation 3\wheel

Arg for attract mode is always has it as -nogui but its need to be like this  "--no-gui"  with the right path is  args "[rompath][name]\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN" --no-gui

the rompath will be inside the Sony Playstation 3\emulator\dev_hdd0\gamedev_hdd0\game in folder format "according to the serial number of the game that is installed in the RPCS3 emulator
for example:
Sony Playstation 3\emulator\dev_hdd0\game\NPEB00554  "NPEB00554 folder" is the name of the game and sadly you cannot change the name of the folder it will be like this.

So the best solution is to hide the game's name by doing this step:
Go to Layout Settings and remove the name of the text that displays the game.

Press the Tab button to get to the menu screen and go to the following options
Configure\Displays\Sony Playstation 3\Layout Options

on Layout Options scroll down to Show game information and choose No , Game Name choose Manufacturer Only

It will hide the name of the game

 ;) Cheers!!!

General / SSF emulator - Latest Version Args & Config
« on: August 22, 2022, 11:35:19 PM »
Hi Everyone.

I'd like to know the args for SSF since the emulator doesn't requires mounting ISO files in a virtual drive to run them anymore or an SSF Loader.
Code: [Select]
executable          D:\Emulators\Sega Saturn\emulator\SSF.exe
args                  "[romfilename]"
rompath             D:\Emulators\Sega Saturn\roms
romext               .chd;.cue
system               Sega Saturn
exit_hotkey          Escape

but whenever I choose a game it gives me different game


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