Scripting / Sega Hikaru"Demul" - Fullscreen with Autohotkey
« on: November 05, 2022, 11:58:30 AM »
hello everyone.
I was looking for a way to run Sega Hikaru games fullscreen through Demul in fullscreen so I used this settings -run=hikaru -rom=[name] but always end up having the screen to play on windowed mode .
Sega Hikaru.cfg "old settings":
Thankfully a user that goes by Bgoulette made our life much easier by making a batch file "dfs.bat" and generated an autohotkey script "demul_full_screen.ahk" that allows you to run naomi games on demul in fullscreen by adding them both inside the emulator folder.
Bgoulette's Topic "demul full screen improvements":
So I used both of his batch and script and applied it on demul to run Sega Hikaru games.
Batch file (dfs.bat):
AHK script (demul_full_screen.ahk):
And the results was fascinating
Sega Hikaru.cfg "current settings":
Only two games worked well in fullscreen
1- Air Trix
2- Brave FireFighters
The other 3 games got blackscreen:
3- Planet Harrier
4- Nascar Racing
5- Star Wars: Racer Arcade
Anyone knows how to make these 3 games to work because we are almost done on solving Demul's fullscreen issue that we all faced long time ago I just need everyone's support to close this one.
If this issue got resolved other Demul systems such as Cave CV1000 & Gaelco will be resolved as well.
I was looking for a way to run Sega Hikaru games fullscreen through Demul in fullscreen so I used this settings -run=hikaru -rom=[name] but always end up having the screen to play on windowed mode .
Sega Hikaru.cfg "old settings":
Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode Plus v2.6.1
executable D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\emulator\demul.exe
args -run=hikaru -rom=[name]
rompath D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\emulator\roms
romext .zip;.7z
system Sega Hikaru
info_source thegamesdb.net
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork boxart D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\boxart
artwork flyer D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\flyer
artwork marquee D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\marquee
artwork snap D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\snap
artwork wheel D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\wheel
Thankfully a user that goes by Bgoulette made our life much easier by making a batch file "dfs.bat" and generated an autohotkey script "demul_full_screen.ahk" that allows you to run naomi games on demul in fullscreen by adding them both inside the emulator folder.
Bgoulette's Topic "demul full screen improvements":
So I used both of his batch and script and applied it on demul to run Sega Hikaru games.
Batch file (dfs.bat):
Code: [Select]
@echo off
"C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" demul_full_screen.ahk %1
AHK script (demul_full_screen.ahk):
Code: [Select]
#SingleInstance, force
SetTitleMatchMode, 1
; Move the mouse to the bottom right:
MouseMove % A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, 0
; Display a single image as a SplashImage:
SplashImage, pixel.gif, b w%A_ScreenWidth% h%A_ScreenHeight% x0 y0 zw%A_ScreenWidth% zh%A_ScreenHeight%
RomName := A_Args[1]
Run %ComSpec% /c "demul.exe -run=hikaru -rom=%RomName%", , Hide
; When demul.exe loads a rom, its title changes to a string beginning with gpuDX11hw
WinWaitActive, gpuDX11hw, , 3
Send !{Enter}
SplashImage, Off
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe demul.exe
WinClose, A
And the results was fascinating
Sega Hikaru.cfg "current settings":
Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode Plus v2.6.1
executable D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\emulator\dfs.bat
args [name]
rompath D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\emulator\roms
romext .zip;.7z
system Sega Hikaru
info_source thegamesdb.net
nb_mode_wait 5
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork boxart D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\boxart
artwork flyer D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\flyer
artwork marquee D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\marquee
artwork snap D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\snap
artwork wheel D:\HyperPie 2\RetroArch\Emulators\Sega Hikaru\wheel
Only two games worked well in fullscreen
1- Air Trix
2- Brave FireFighters
The other 3 games got blackscreen:
3- Planet Harrier
4- Nascar Racing
5- Star Wars: Racer Arcade
Anyone knows how to make these 3 games to work because we are almost done on solving Demul's fullscreen issue that we all faced long time ago I just need everyone's support to close this one.
If this issue got resolved other Demul systems such as Cave CV1000 & Gaelco will be resolved as well.