Hello all, I switched from arch to Ubuntu because of some game issues. Thought I would mention that just to make a long story short.
I have been trying to install Attract Mode from the tar.gz with no luck it always ends in an error. Or that is using : " make and then make install" ends in error. Tried other commands here on the forums also.
The problem is I can't find docs for the dependencies for this to work. And the error message I get doesn't really tell me much at all.
Could someone please just give me some command line info on how to install this on Linux Mint latest Ubuntu based version. It's based on Ubuntu Focal from what I understand.
Downloaded the Tar.gz and extracted it and went to the directory and make and make install and then ends with an error with no information about what that error is or how to resolve it.
Anybody got any simple instructions?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.