Author Topic: Tinkering with the grid script to replace hypertheme, side scrolling wheel  (Read 19290 times)


  • Jr. Member
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huh, I didnt even know you could get the selection box to move up and down like that! can you share your layout? maybe zip it up with the bg graphics on here?


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I just make a few tweaks to the grid layout to achieve some of the things I did with my hypertheme. There is much faster scrolling now that can still be tweaked but still far from perfect. Anyway, I still trying to figure what is possible with this script. I think a lot more can be done with it. No doubt checkist is already tearing into this script as well. But, here you go...

// Attract-Mode Frontend - Grid layout
class UserConfig </ help="Navigation controls: Up/Down (to move up and down) and Page Up/Page Down (to move left and right)" />{
   </ label="Grid Artwork", help="The artwork to display in the grid", options="snap,marquee,flyer,wheel", order=1 />

   </ label="Rows", help="The number of grid rows", options="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8", order=2 />

   </ label="Columns", help="The number of grid columns", options="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8", order=3 />

   </ label="Preserve Aspect Ratio", help="Preserve artwork aspect ratio", options="Yes,No", order=4 />

   </ label="Enable Video", help="Enable video artwork in the grid", options="Yes,No", order=5 />

   </ label="Transition Time", help="The amount of time (in milliseconds) that it takes to scroll to another grid entry", order=6 />

fe.load_module( "conveyor" );

fe.layout.width = 1024;
fe.layout.height = 768;
fe.add_image( "theme.png", 0, 0, 1024, 768 );

local my_config = fe.get_config();
local rows = my_config[ "rows" ].tointeger();
local cols = my_config[ "columns" ].tointeger();
local height = ( fe.layout.height * 11 / 12 ) / rows.tofloat();
local width = ( fe.layout.width * 3 / 12 ) / cols.tofloat();

fe.add_image( "vb.png", 290, 115, 650, 540 );

// fill an entire surface with our snap at a resolution of 480x360
local surface = fe.add_surface( 480, 360 );
local snap = surface.add_artwork( "snap", 0, 0, 480, 360 );
//snap.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;

// position and pinch the surface
surface.set_pos( 385, 205, 460, 360 );
//surface.pinch_y = 30;

//local flyer = fe.add_artwork( "flyer", 765, 250, 200, 320 );
//flyer.rotation = 0;

const PAD=4;

class Grid extends Conveyor


      sel_x = cols / 2;
      sel_y = rows / 2;
      stride = fe.layout.page_size = rows;
      fe.add_signal_handler( this, "on_signal" );
         transition_ms = my_config["ttime"].tointeger();
      catch ( e )
         transition_ms = 220;

   function update_frame()
      frame.x = width * sel_x;
      frame.y = fe.layout.height / 24 + height * sel_y;
      name_t.index_offset = num_t.index_offset
            = sel_x * rows + sel_y - selection_index;   

   function on_signal( sig )
      switch ( sig )   
      case "up":
         if ( sel_y > 0 )
            return true;
      case "down":
         if ( sel_y < rows - 1 )
            return true;
      case "page_up":
         if ( sel_x > 0 )
            return true;
      case "page_down":
         if ( sel_x < cols - 1 )
            return true;

      case "select":
         // Correct the list index if it doesn't align with
         // the game our frame is on
         local frame_index = sel_x * rows + sel_y;
         fe.list.index += frame_index - selection_index;

         set_selection( frame_index );


      return false;

   function on_transition( ttype, var, ttime )
      switch ( ttype )
      case Transition.StartLayout:
      case Transition.FromGame:
         if ( ttime < transition_ms )
            for ( local i=0; i< m_objs.len(); i++ )
               local r = i % rows;
               local c = i / rows;
               local num = rows + cols - 2;
               if ( num < 1 )
                  num = 1;

               local temp = 510 * ( num - r - c ) / num * ttime / transition_ms;
               m_objs.m_obj.alpha = ( temp > 255 ) ? 255 : temp;

            frame.alpha = 255 * ttime / transition_ms;
            return true;

         local old_alpha = m_objs[ m_objs.len()-1 ].m_obj.alpha;

         foreach ( o in m_objs )
            o.m_obj.alpha = 255;

         frame.alpha = 255;

         if ( old_alpha != 255 )
            return true;


      case Transition.ToGame:
      case Transition.EndLayout:
         if ( ttime < transition_ms )
            for ( local i=0; i< m_objs.len(); i++ )
               local r = i % rows;
               local c = i / rows;
               local num = rows + cols - 2;
               if ( num < 1 )
                  num = 1;

               local temp = 255 - 510 * ( num - r - c ) / num * ttime / transition_ms;
               m_objs.m_obj.alpha = ( temp < 0 ) ? 0 : temp;
            frame.alpha = 255 - 255 * ttime / transition_ms;
            return true;

         local old_alpha = m_objs[ m_objs.len()-1 ].m_obj.alpha;

         foreach ( o in m_objs )
            o.m_obj.alpha = 0;

         frame.alpha = 0;

         if ( old_alpha != 0 )
            return true;


      return base.on_transition( ttype, var, ttime );

::gridc <- Grid();

class MySlot extends ConveyorSlot
   m_num = 0;
   m_shifted = "False";

   constructor( num )
      m_num = num;

      local my_art = fe.add_artwork( my_config["art"], 0, 0,
            width - 2*PAD, height - 2*PAD );

      my_art.preserve_aspect_ratio = (my_config["aspect_ratio"]=="Yes");
      my_art.video_flags = Vid.NoAudio;
      if ( my_config["video"] == "No" )
         my_art.video_flags = Vid.ImagesOnly | Vid.NoAudio;

      my_art.alpha = 0;
      base.constructor( my_art );

   function on_progress( progress, var )
      if ( var == 0 )
         m_shifted = false;

      local r = m_num % rows;
      local c = m_num / rows;

      if ( abs( var ) < rows )
         m_obj.x = c * width + PAD;
         m_obj.y = fe.layout.height / 24
            + ( fe.layout.height * 11 / 12 ) * ( progress * cols - c ) + PAD;
         local prog = ::gridc.transition_progress;
         if ( prog > ::gridc.transition_swap_point )
            if ( var > 0 ) c++;
            else c--;

         if ( var > 0 ) prog *= -1;

         m_obj.x = ( c + prog ) * width + PAD;
         m_obj.y = fe.layout.height / 24 + r * height + PAD;

local my_array = [];
for ( local i=0; i<rows*cols; i++ )
   my_array.push( MySlot( i ) );

gridc.set_slots( my_array );
gridc.frame=fe.add_image( "frame.png", width * 2, height * 2, width, height );

gridc.name_t =  fe.add_text( "[Title]", 100,
      fe.layout.height - fe.layout.height / 5 - PAD,
      fe.layout.width, fe.layout.height / 24 );
gridc.name_t.set_rgb( 128, 128, 128 );

local title = fe.add_text( "[ListTitle]/[ListFilterName]",
         0, 0, fe.layout.width/2, fe.layout.height / 32 );
title.align = Align.Left;
title.set_rgb( 128, 128, 128 );
gridc.num_t = fe.add_text( "[ListEntry]/[ListSize]",
         fe.layout.width/2, 0, fe.layout.width/2, fe.layout.height / 32 );
gridc.num_t.align = Align.Right;
gridc.num_t.set_rgb( 128, 128, 128 );


  • Jr. Member
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thanks sir! I'll dig into this when I get back from shopping