Author Topic: 35 old pc history - info  (Read 3216 times)


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35 old pc history - info
« on: August 29, 2023, 04:59:07 AM »
Hi. This theme is for android, not an attract mode, so is a bit of topic but it has some useful info you can use in attractmode theme, that's why i post it here.
I created something like a history of old pc in chronological order with info for every pc, like when it was created, in what nm was its cpu, memory, how many games it has etc. I searched a lot to find all those info to do this. The info for every pc are in the comments of the youtube videos, so you can copy past it to your theme if you need those info.

A little info. I have many themes in attractmode, but recently i try to move my collection to android also. I used for this reset_collection frontended and retroarch as the emulator which it use to play the games. The Video is from nvidia shield connected to my 65 inch tv.
But i also have them to my galaxy tab s8 ultra, with a custom gamepad and a custom magnetic rotating base. I hope attractmode to go to android some time in the future as it's much better.
Anyway here are the 2 videos.