Related Stuff > Emulators

Launching mame from AM hangs (mac)



I'm trying to get AM working with mame on an Intel Mac. Mame works fine from the command line, but hangs at the game information screen when I launch from AM.

My setup is as follows...

* I've installed AM 2.6.1
* I've installed mame 0.264 via macports. The binary is /opt/local/libexec/mame/mame
* I've created a mame like directory structure in ~/Applications/mame
* I've downloaded the circus rom and all the bios files from a 0.264 romset into the ~/Applications/mame/roms folder
The following launches the game as expected

--- Code: ---cd ~/Applications/mame
/opt/local/libexec/mame/mame circus
--- End code ---

However, if I launch the game from AM it hangs on mame's game information screen. To further debug I added the -window, -verbose and -log command arguments. MacOS reports that the application is not responding and I get the spinning wheel of death when I focus on the mame window. Calling ps -ef shows the following

--- Code: ---501  3182  3100   0  7:40pm ??         0:01.51 /opt/local/libexec/mame/mame circus -window -verbose -log
--- End code ---

The contents of the mame error.log is

--- Code: ---<U+FEFF>[:screen] :screen: Deprecated legacy Old Style screen configured (set_vblank_time), please use set_raw instead.
Soft reset
[:cchip] ':cchip:upd7811' (01F4) port F written ff
[:cchip] ':cchip:upd7811' (0221) port F written ff

--- End code ---

I've attached my attract.cfg, MAME.cfg files. I haven't created a custom mame.ini file.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Thank you

PS. I also tried running attract from the command line with the --loglevel set to debug. I've attached the output. I'm curious about the line near the bottom...

--- Code: --- - Pause Hotkey pressed, sending SIGSTOP signal to process 5448
--- End code ---

I think there might be a bug with AM's mame emulator configuration. The pause_hotkey value is set to "$HOME/Applications/mame/marquee" however the AM UI doesn't even show this option (see screenshot). I haven't edited the file manually

Removing the pause_hotkey line from the MAME.cfg file fixed the issue. I'll close this issue and report a bug.


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