Attract-Mode Support Forum

Attract-Mode Support => General => Topic started by: kayser on August 03, 2015, 11:21:29 AM

Title: Linux Problem
Post by: kayser on August 03, 2015, 11:21:29 AM
Just installed ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-i386 + mame+AM , on the setup of AM give all the paths for the video,snaps,marquee and everything works fine when execute AM shows the layout and everything as supose to but as i´m newbie on Linux don´t know the path to give for the MAME , can someone point me where linux stores the .exe of mame?
i have tried  /usr/local/share/games/mame/mame and $HOME/mame/mame but when i´m in the layout and press the game to play nothing hapens
Title: Re: Linux Problem
Post by: kayser on August 03, 2015, 03:48:27 PM
Solved ..
Title: Re: Linux Problem
Post by: akafox on August 03, 2015, 09:08:00 PM
I use linux to run AM. I'll help you out just ask. Glad you got it solved though! :) linux doesn't really have ".exe" (-es?) as for your executable just mame no path nothing just mame will work. You can do that with any program in the /usr directory as that is kind of a "holding place for them" so the OS looks there (and other places) first. If you have a program not in there say like kega fusion or can put a ./ before it (e.g. ./epsxe) to run it from the command line. That tells linux to run it as a executable not just open it to read as a file