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Topics - brywalker

Pages: [1]
General / Feature Request - Game Loading Screensaver
« on: November 08, 2015, 06:25:18 AM »
My FAVORITE front end. Period.

That said - I have a Neo Geo cabinet that I set up. One thing I really miss over having my 4 slot hooked up is to have the games rotate in their attract mode on the PCB. Is there any way to add that functionality to the front end?

Basically - when "screen saver" is enabled, it will load a random game. Then after 60 seconds it will just exit and load another one. If the screensaver is cancelled due to user input, it will just turn of the timer and wait for no input on the main screen again like normal. Is this possible? It would be a whole new experience for folks for sure.

Or, even load a specific command line for "screensaver". Ex: mame.exe -cart1 samsho -cart2 maglord etc...

Thanks for your hard work. This thing is outstanding.

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