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Messages - Giacomo1982

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Themes / Re: New theme - HUD 1.0.0
« on: October 30, 2018, 07:32:20 AM »
Thanks Calab!

This theme show tech specs and logos of hardware machines, mame is a software that emulate arcades, that's why is not included.
Maybe in future I'll add arcades machines, like naomi, cps-2, ecc...

If you want to put a generic "Arcade" logo, it must be stored in HUD 1.0.0/assets/logos, and to make it visible you have to write your logo name in "art_by_system.nut" don't worry is very easy,
but for tech specs it does not have much sense writing data for all arcades in one generic area, because each machine has it's own specs.

Data specs are written in specs.nut, if anyone want to implement any kind of system I appreciate if will it share with me  :)

I'm finishing the 1.0.3 version with a text scroller and a more colored background.

Scripting / Re: scrolling text to off screen surface...
« on: October 26, 2018, 02:10:46 AM »
Thanks Paolo, I decided to make a scroller by myself

local flw = fe.layout.width
local flh = fe.layout.height

class scroller {

   text = null
   time = null
   delay = null
   direction = null      // left, right, top, down
   end = null
   start = null
   current_tick_time = null
   constructor( text_name, anim_time, anim_delay, anim_direction, anim_end ) {
      text = text_name;
      time = anim_time;
      delay = anim_delay;
      direction = anim_direction;
      end = anim_end;

      fe.add_ticks_callback( this, "move" )
      fe.add_transition_callback( this, "change_game" )

   function anim_prop() {
      current_tick_time = 0
      switch ( direction ) {
         case "top":
            start = text.y;
            end = text.y - end;
         case "down":
            start = text.y;
            end = text.y + end;
         case "left":
            start = text.x;
            end = text.x - end;
         case "right":
            start = text.x;
            end = text.x + end;

   function move( tick_time ) {
      if ( current_tick_time == 0 ) {
         current_tick_time = tick_time + delay         // assign the current tick_time value to current_tick_time (it not increase durign time)
         if ( direction == "top" || direction == "down" ) text.y = start
         else text.x = start
      local anim_time = tick_time - current_tick_time      // anim_time increase every 16.6ms
      if ( current_tick_time < tick_time ) {
         switch ( direction ) {
            case "top":      if ( text.y > end )      text.y = start - anim_time / time;      break;      // do the movement
            case "down":   if ( text.y < end )      text.y = start + anim_time / time;      break;
            case "left":   if ( text.x > end )      text.x = start - anim_time / time;      break;
            case "right":   if ( text.x < end )      text.x = start + anim_time / time;      break;

   function change_game( ttype, var, ttime ) {
      if ( ttype == Transition.ToNewList || ttype == Transition.ToNewSelection || ttype == Transition.ToNewList )
         current_tick_time = 0                     // assign value 0 to if game changes

local surface = fe.add_surface( flw*0.30, flh*0.30 );
surface.x = 50;
surface.y = 50;
local mytext = surface.add_text( "[Extra]", 0, 0, flw*0.30, flh*0.60 );
mytext.charsize = 15;
mytext.word_wrap = true;
mytext.align = Align.TopLeft;
mytext.set_bg_rgb( 255, 0, 0 );
scroller( mytext, 10, 500, "left", 50 );      // class call

but thanks to jedione I realized is easier using animation module with the text inside a surface

local flw = fe.layout.width
local flh = fe.layout.height

local surface = fe.add_surface( flw/3, flh/3 );
surface.x = 100;
surface.y = 200;
local text = surface.add_text( "[Extra]", 0, 0, flw, flh );
text.charsize = 15;
text.word_wrap = true;
text.align = Align.TopLeft;
text.set_bg_rgb( 255, 0, 0 );
local an = { when=Transition.ToNewSelection, property="y", start=text.y, end=text.y-200, time=1000 }
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( text, an ) );

Scripting / Re: scrolling text to off screen surface...
« on: October 25, 2018, 11:43:05 PM »
This is what I'm looking for, but it is not perfect, the text in your example start from the bottom and when is on top restart.
I can't understand the surface  purpose, actually surface in general... Maybe surface is a container of objects?
I need a command that moves text inside its box

Scripting / Re: text scroller
« on: October 25, 2018, 04:44:49 AM »
I maded a "function" version in prev versions, but it has word restricted limit, I mean if your system is called sega32x and inside layout the png has another name like 32x.png, the function doesn't  work, that's why I prefer using an array with different names of the same system (32x, sega32x, Sega 32x?) to increase the matching of display and png

Scripting / Re: text scroller
« on: October 25, 2018, 02:39:49 AM »
How you don't know how to do a class if you done Arcadeflow!
It's absurd you're making a class so similar the mine in the same period, but I'm curious to see it when it's done.
I made also art by system it is similar to art by manufacturer but mkre flexible you can pic many kind of art like logo or foto. It is in prev next theme
Good work!

Scripting / Re: text scroller
« on: October 25, 2018, 02:01:38 AM »
have you tried the      text scroll module ?

I taked a look and yes very impressive but is missing the most important thing, the text word wrap.
The thing I'm looking for is a vertical scroller for long descriptions

Scripting / Re: text scroller
« on: October 25, 2018, 01:36:52 AM »
It is a simple class that pics a png compared to the game genre, yes it is in my HUD theme, I've also made another one that pics an rgb color to change background and it is in my PREV NEXT theme

Scripting / Re: text scroller
« on: October 24, 2018, 10:45:13 PM »
Thanks You jedione for the link.
art by controller is a great idea, I would like to see it and using in a new theme!

Scripting / text scroller
« on: October 24, 2018, 03:27:56 PM »
Hi guys I'm looking for a function that scrolls text.
This is what I made, but it's not smooth and it works only one time when AM starts, can someone tell me how to improve this code, or where I can find a better scroller?

local line = 0;      // delay (-1 increase delay)
fe.add_ticks_callback( this, "scroller" );
function scroller( tick_time ) {
   line += 0.01;   // speed
   history.first_line_hint = line;

Thank you!  :D

Themes / Re: Brands monochrome logos
« on: October 22, 2018, 01:06:11 PM »
If you need some console white logos they are inside my HUD theme and if you are looking for something hard to find don't esitate to ask me! Good work  :D

Themes / Re: Brands monochrome logos
« on: October 22, 2018, 10:15:53 AM »
Exellent  idea Paolo,  it is good if you work on vector files, like svg or ai, so then I can increase size without losing quality.

Themes / Re: New Theme - PREV NEXT 1.0.0
« on: October 21, 2018, 12:45:46 AM »
Thanks jedione  :D

Themes / PREV NEXT 1.0.4 theme
« on: October 20, 2018, 04:05:20 PM »
PREV NEXT 1.0.4 theme for Attract Mode 2.4.1

A fully coloured theme


Themes / Re: New theme - HUD 1.0.0
« on: September 29, 2018, 12:57:45 AM »
I tried to use the Overview field in the past but it was always empty, you have to scrape with AM to obtain overviews? I ask this because all my Mame data comes from .dat files and I don't use AM scraping...

Paolo you have to put overview files.txt in this folder
example for mastersystem
attract-v2.4.0-win64\scraper\mastersystem\overview\Alex Kidd - High-Tech World (USA, Europe).txt

to find all overview files, you have to search for DAVID MARTI or if you want I can give you mines.

Themes / Re: New theme - HUD 1.0.0
« on: September 29, 2018, 12:47:14 AM »
I see that this layout is using the "extras" field of the romlist.txt for the game overview which is a dated workaround. AM has used the "Overview" feature for a while and it's an overall better solution/option. I was able to use the newer "Overview" option with a couple of quick edits of the layout.nut.

Many of my (and most) romlist.txt "Category" fields contain the "/" which causes no art_by_category image to show up in the layout even though there is matching art. The "/" should be seen as an and/or but instead causes no image to be shown. Some examples: "Action / Adventure", "Action / Puzzle", "Action / Platform", etc.

If you're going to have those slick system configuration translation .nut files you should "go-to-town" and really build out the lists and nicknames (or at least add RocketLauncher aliases to the lists) either in this layout or as a module or plugin. It would be helpful for others using this layout or expanding on other layouts as well as people using RocketLaucher or coming from any FE that uses RL.

Thanks progets!
Usign Overview cause me issues, I mean when there isn't a gameoverview.txt AM show me the previous description intead an empty field. Extra works perfectly in that case and also works the function that writes "MISSING EXTRA".

To solve the category problem, Action / Adventure... you have to add these genres in the art_by_category.nut. T
he / doesn't cause issues, the problem is the lack of these genres

act = [ "action", "action / adventure" ];

It's important writing lower case

Can you tell me your categories to I add it in the class arrays?
Thanks man!

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