Attract-Mode Support Forum

Attract-Mode Support => Themes => Topic started by: ptiwee on October 20, 2016, 07:23:19 AM

Title: Flat Theme
Post by: ptiwee on October 20, 2016, 07:23:19 AM
There is a very simple theme, inspired by New Station.
The game info displayed are taken from "Extra" section in the romlist.

Credits :

I'll probably update the theme in the next days, let me know if you have any comments.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Flat Theme
Post by: Spinelli on October 23, 2016, 02:56:29 PM
Looking Great! Ptiwee!  ;D
Title: Re: Flat Theme
Post by: web on November 01, 2016, 08:40:09 AM
Very good this theme
I have problem feathers when I put the video (snap) video audio does not come out
Title: Re: Flat Theme
Post by: ptiwee on November 02, 2016, 12:53:29 AM
Hi web,

This is actually made on purpose. You can remove the line 107 (snap.video_flags = Vid.NoAudio) in the file layout.nut to get the sound.

I'll make it optional in the menus later :)