Attract-Mode Support Forum

Attract-Mode Support => Themes => Topic started by: raygun on June 22, 2014, 12:43:09 AM

Title: Previous thread (Post your custom layouts here!)
Post by: raygun on June 22, 2014, 12:43:09 AM
Thought I'd try to get the ball rolling on posting some custom Attract-Mode layouts that people have come up with.

So here's the one I've been messing around with the last few days.  It's using the "pinch" effect and has a reflection on the preview snap/video...



This one is available here: (
Title: Video showing artwork scrolling and pinch effect.
Post by: omegaman on June 29, 2014, 07:43:44 AM ( (
Title: Re: Post your custom layouts here!
Post by: omegaman on July 03, 2014, 09:44:19 AM
Hyper theme (
Title: Re: Post your custom layouts here!
Post by: Luke_Nukem on July 03, 2014, 05:31:59 PM
Great layouts! I especially like the scrolling artwork.
Title: Re: Post your custom layouts here!
Post by: omegaman on July 16, 2014, 11:21:10 AM
Trimm layout with flyer, random color frame, and wheel. Layout has nice proportions. (
Title: Re: Post your custom layouts here!
Post by: omegaman on July 21, 2014, 02:35:01 PM

I am digging your swapper layout it has a nice clean look.
Title: Re: Post your custom layouts here!
Post by: cools on July 30, 2014, 04:09:43 PM
Super minimal 8-bit feel list menu (if you use the same font, that is)

Code: [Select]
// Layout by cools / Arcade Otaku
// Layout User Options
class UserConfig {
 </ label="Preview Image", help="Choose snap/video snap, title, flyer or none.", options="snap,video,title,flyer,none" /> preview_image = "snap";
 </ label="Controls", help="Left & right selects the next/previous list or selects the filter?", options="list,filter,none" /> controls = "filter";

local my_config = fe.get_config();

// Colour cycle code from LukeNukem
cycleVTable <-{
"cnListPinch" : 0, "swListPinch" : 0, "wkListPinch" : 0,
"cnListRed" : 0, "swListRed" : 0, "wkListRed" : 0,
"cnListGreen" : 0, "swListGreen" : 0, "wkListGreen" : 0,
"cnListBlue" : 0, "swListBlue" : 0, "wkListBlue" : 0,
function cycleValue( ttime, counter, switcher, workValue, minV, maxV, BY, speed ) {
if (cycleVTable[counter] == 0)
cycleVTable[counter] = ttime;
////////////// 1000 = 1 second //////////////
if (ttime - cycleVTable[counter] > speed){
if (cycleVTable[switcher]==0){
cycleVTable[workValue] += BY;
if (cycleVTable[workValue] >= maxV)
cycleVTable[switcher] = 1;
if (cycleVTable[switcher]==1){
cycleVTable[workValue] -= BY;
if (cycleVTable[workValue] <= minV)
cycleVTable[switcher] = 0;
cycleVTable[counter] = 0;
return cycleVTable[workValue];

// Layout Constants
// Font found on
local flw=fe.layout.width;
local flh=fe.layout.height;
local rot=(fe.layout.base_rotation+fe.layout.toggle_rotation)%4;
switch (rot) {
 case RotateScreen.Right:
 case RotateScreen.Left:

// List
local lbx=flw*0.01;            // Listbox X position
local lby=flh*0.6;             // Listbox Y position
local lbw=flw*0.98;            // Listbox width
local lbh=(flh-lby-(flh*0.1)); // Listbox height
local itn=12;                   // Listbox entries
local ith=lbh/itn;             // Listbox entry height
lby+=(ith*(itn/2));            // Listbox draw point - do not change
local lbr=255;                 // Listbox red
local lbg=255;                 // Listbox green
local lbb=128;                 // Listbox blue
local lbf=0.96;                // Listbox colour fade. Lower values = less fade.

local textsurface=fe.add_surface(flw,flh);

for (local i=(itn/2)*-1;i<=(itn/2);i+=1){
 if (i==0) {
 else {
  local unselgame=textsurface.add_text("[Title]",lbx,lby+(ith*i),lbw,ith*0.7);
  if (i<0) {unselgame.alpha=255-((i*(255/(itn/2))*-1)*lbf);}
  else {unselgame.alpha=255-(i*(255/(itn/2))*lbf);}
  // Fades colour rather than alpha     
  //if (i<0) {unselgame.set_rgb( lbr-((i*(lbr/(itn/2))*-1)*lbf) , lbg-((i*(lbg/(itn/2))*-1)*lbf) , lbb-((i*(lbb/(itn/2))*-1)*lbf) );}
  //else {unselgame.set_rgb( lbr-(i*(lbr/(itn/2))*lbf) , lbg-(i*(lbg/(itn/2))*lbf) , lbb-(i*(lbb/(itn/2))*lbf) );}

// Texts
local ary=0-flh;
switch (my_config["controls"]) {
 case "list":
 case "filter":
local arrowleft=textsurface.add_text("<",flw*0.02,ary,flw*0.96,flh*0.04);
local arrowright=textsurface.add_text(">",flw*0.02,ary,flw*0.96,flh*0.04);
local listtitle=fe.add_text("[ListTitle]",flw*0.02,flh*0.01,flw*0.96,flh*0.04);
local filtername=textsurface.add_text("[ListFilterName]",flw*0.02,flh*0.06,flw*0.96,flh*0.04);
local selgame=fe.add_text("[Title]",lbx,lby-((ith*1.2)/4),lbw,ith*1.2);
local manufacturer=fe.add_text("© [Manufacturer]",flw*0.02,flh*0.90,flw*0.96,flh*0.04);
local year=textsurface.add_text("[Year]",flw*0.02,flh*0.95,flw*0.96,flh*0.04);

// Preview image
local preview=fe.add_artwork(my_config["preview_image"],0,flh*0.125,flw,flh*0.5);
preview.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;

fe.add_ticks_callback( "textTickles" );
function textTickles( ttime ) {
local RED = cycleValue(ttime,"cnListRed","swListRed","wkListRed",100,254,1,1);
local GREEN = cycleValue(ttime,"cnListGreen","swListGreen","wkListGreen",100,254,1.5,1);
local BLUE = cycleValue(ttime,"cnListBlue","swListBlue","wkListBlue",100,254,2,1);
  textsurface.set_rgb(RED, GREEN, BLUE);
Title: Re: Post your custom layouts here!
Post by: cools on July 31, 2014, 08:37:35 AM
And the beginnings of a rotateable tile/media type layout. Posting here so I don't lose it.

Code: [Select]
local flw = fe.layout.width;
local flh = fe.layout.height;
// Rows must be either 3 or 5
local rows = 5;
local aspect = flw/flh;
local cols = rows * aspect;
local tlw = flw/cols;
local adw=0;

// Uncomment if monitor is rotated to preserve aspect ratios correctly.
if (fe.layout.orient==RotateScreen.Right) {
 fe.layout.width = flh;
 fe.layout.height = flw;
 flw = fe.layout.width;
 flh = fe.layout.height;
 aspect = flh/flw;
 cols = rows * aspect;
 tlw = flw/cols;

local tlh = flh/rows;

local adx=tlw;
local ady=0;
local adh=flh;

local advert = fe.add_artwork( "flyer", adx, ady, adw, adh)
advert.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;

local tilep2 = fe.add_surface(tlw, tlh);
local tilep1 = fe.add_surface(tlw, tlh);
local tiles = fe.add_surface(tlw, tlh);
local tilen1 = fe.add_surface(tlw, tlh);
local tilen2 = fe.add_surface(tlw, tlh);

tilep2.alpha = 64;
tilep1.alpha = 128;     
tiles.alpha = 255;
tilen1.alpha = 128;
tilen2.alpha = 64;

tiles.set_pos ( 0, (flh*0.5)-(tlh*0.5));
tilep1.set_pos ( tiles.x, tiles.y-tlh);
tilep2.set_pos ( tiles.x, tiles.y-tlh-tlh); 
tilen1.set_pos ( tiles.x, tiles.y+tlh);
tilen2.set_pos ( tiles.x, tiles.y+tlh+tlh);

local snx=0-(tlw*0.125);
local sny=0-(tlh*0.125);
local snw=tlw*1.25;
local snh=tlh*1.25;
local wlw=tlw*0.9;
local wlh=tlh*0.9;
local wlx=tlw*0.05;
local wly=0;

local tp2 = tilep2.add_artwork( "snap", snx, sny, snw, snh);
local wp2 = tilep2.add_artwork( "wheel", wlx, wly, wlw, wlh);
tp2.index_offset = -2;
wp2.index_offset = -2;
wp2.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
local tp1 = tilep1.add_artwork( "snap", snx, sny, snw, snh);
local wp1 = tilep1.add_artwork( "wheel", wlx, wly, wlw, wlh);
tp1.index_offset = -1;
wp1.index_offset = -1;
wp1.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
local tss = tiles.add_artwork( "snap", snx, sny, snw, snh);
local wls = tiles.add_artwork( "wheel", wlx, wly, wlw, wlh);
wls.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
local tn1 = tilen1.add_artwork( "snap", snx, sny, snw, snh);
local wn1 = tilen1.add_artwork( "wheel", wlx, wly, wlw, wlh);
tn1.index_offset = 1;
wn1.index_offset = 1;
wn1.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
local tn2 = tilen2.add_artwork( "snap", snx, sny, snw, snh);
local wn2 = tilen2.add_artwork( "wheel", wlx, wly, wlw, wlh);
tn2.index_offset = 2;
tn2.index_offset = 2;
wn2.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
Title: Re: Post your custom layouts here!
Post by: checkist on July 31, 2014, 11:05:49 AM
Well it's far from being perfect...

Since I don't have artistic skills, I decided to focus on functionalities / not-so-obvious tricks so that somebody might get some ideas to improve his/her layouts  :)

Below is functionalities of this layout...

#1. Built-in screen saver function
I'm aware that there is already a fully-functional screen saver included in the frontend.
But well, there are always more than one way to achieve one's needs. The more the better.

Anyway, notable differences of this screen saver of mine is..
   1) Has three modes, off / random game select mode / sequential select mode
     1-1) Pressing the key (defaults to 'R') cycles through these modes
   2) Automatically detects the end of movie file (if any), then picks next/random game
     2-1) Movie file loops normally, if built-in screen saver is not activated
   3) User can define durations for static images (10 secs, for example)
     3-1) Setting this value to negative skips games with no movies

#2. Scrolling effect, with some tweaks
User can adjust transition time to suit their needs.
One notable feature is that the transitional effect can be 'cancelled' by pressing up/down twice. Pressing 'up/down' consistantly also temporarily disables transitional effect, so that the effect does not slow-down the game selection.
Also, next/previous games are dimmed to emphasize current game. Transitional effect is also applied to this.
(It's hard to describe, but you'll know once you see it)

#3. Miscs
1) Pressing the key (defaults to 'T', which can be changed in the settings) will change left column to snapshot / titles.
2) Total running time is displayed in lower side..

Title: Re: Post your custom layouts here!
Post by: omegaman on August 10, 2014, 04:49:40 PM

I like your layout, especially the transitions. Good code for me to mangle.
Title: Re: Post your custom layouts here!
Post by: cools on August 19, 2014, 01:38:56 PM
Layout optimised for low res vertical cabinets. Will look bad on high resolution displays.
Title: Re: Post your custom layouts here!
Post by: checkist on September 12, 2014, 11:21:18 AM
Yet it's far from being perfect... but there are some new features, which I hope that somebody might get some inspirations....

#1. Built-in movie progress bar
Adjusting simple rectangle, according to movie position worked like charm...

movie_progress.width = (snapshot.width * snapshot.video_time + 1) / snapshot.video_duration;

Requires 'Progress.png' to be in the same directory (which is included in attached .zip file)

#2. Adjustable screen layouts
User can select either 3-screen column / 5-screen column on the left side.
Width of left-side column and height of main screenshot are now can be modified
 (the rest are auto-calculated from above values)

#3. Transition effect adjust
Rather than using 'cancel' (pressing up/down twice)
Pressing 'up/down' consistantly for 100 msec immediately cancels transition effect.
(Again, you'll know once you see it)

#4. Icons in bottom-right corner
Corresponding icon appears for vertical games, and favorite games.
You can define additional icons by using attract-mode's tag systems.
  #4-1. Set 'Tag 1' ~ 'Tag 7' to some value. For example, 'Violent' (e.g. mortal kombat series?)
  #4-2. Prepare an icon file named 'Tag-Your_Tag.png' in layout directory. For example 'Tag-Violent.png'
  #4-3. Tag your corresponding game by using attract-mode's tag systems.
  #4-4. Cha-ching! you can see your custom icon in #4-2 appear in your bottom-right, when you select tagged games

#5. Filter-dependent marquee
Yet another trick. By setting filter name including '#' symbol, corresponding filter-dependent marquee can appear.
  #5-1. Set filter name as 'something#marquee_name', for example '[1/15]#Action'
  #5-2. Prepare a filter marquee file named 'Filter-marquee_name.png' in layout directory. For example 'Filter-Action.png'
  #5-3. You can see your filter-dependent marquee on upper-middle screen
Title: Re: Previous thread (Post your custom layouts here!)
Post by: crawlingpeter on March 21, 2015, 01:22:35 PM
I really dig the style of this one. Would it be possible to use something like HyperSpin wheel art instead of the text for each game?

Thought I'd try to get the ball rolling on posting some custom Attract-Mode layouts that people have come up with.

So here's the one I've been messing around with the last few days.  It's using the "pinch" effect and has a reflection on the preview snap/video...



This one is available here: (
Title: Re: Previous thread (Post your custom layouts here!)
Post by: raygun on March 23, 2015, 10:48:30 PM
I really dig the style of this one. Would it be possible to use something like HyperSpin wheel art instead of the text for each game?

You could for sure, you could take the layout from omegaman's hyperspin wheel based theme and replace the menu parts of this one with that... it would take some hacking around in squirrel to get it going but it could be done for sure.
Title: Re: Previous thread (Post your custom layouts here!)
Post by: lokensa on July 30, 2015, 11:50:41 AM
Hi, I really like attract-mode and the simple and clean process to get great results.
Keep up the good work.

Here are my first two attempts, based (entirely) ;) on the roboskin theme.

Title: Re: Previous thread (Post your custom layouts here!)
Post by: omegaman on July 30, 2015, 12:36:28 PM

Greeetings!, very nice work, I dig it ;p   
Title: Re: Previous thread (Post your custom layouts here!)
Post by: lokensa on July 30, 2015, 12:53:57 PM

Actually, it's your work that got me inspired, so...thank you.
Title: Re: Previous thread (Post your custom layouts here!)
Post by: akafox on August 06, 2015, 10:21:48 AM
I will admit I like the whole cabinet idea. Marquee where it belongs, vid snap playing where it belongs. Think you can make one like that but show the control panel pic on the cabinet? I used to use 3D Arcade they did have it show the marquee and even the vid snaps but I always thought it would be cool for them to make the cabs have the real artwork (side panels and control panels) so you could kinda see what the real cab looked like. (I know A LOT of work!) But I did have it play some of the attract videos so when i was walking around it felt like they were playing like in a real arcade. It was cool but it was not the easiest thing to set up.
Title: Re: Previous thread (Post your custom layouts here!)
Post by: bionictoothpick on January 08, 2016, 04:13:15 PM
Llokensa, are those pictures mock-ups, or from your theme?

Hope you share the layout.nut file.
