Attract-Mode Support Forum

Attract-Mode Support => Themes => Topic started by: Asterra on July 04, 2017, 04:04:09 PM

Title: Theme like Cosmo's, only text in the wheel rather than logos?
Post by: Asterra on July 04, 2017, 04:04:09 PM
Hoping someone's seen, heard of, created, or can create a theme that is basically the same as Cosmo's Robospin themes, only in place of the wheel you get the name of the game in text.  Closest thing I have come so far is Game Station HD, but I find I prefer the sort of display that visibly showcases the physical platform itself, with the video playing on a TV or on the platform's screen.  Problem with that is there often simply isn't wheel art conveniently laying around for literally thousands of game titles, so it's simply a better option in those cases to stick with text only.
Title: Re: Theme like Cosmo's, only text in the wheel rather than logos?
Post by: bundangdon on July 05, 2017, 01:11:08 AM
This wouldn't be too difficult to change. You could simply copy and paste the code from another layout with a text-based rom list, which is what I've done with other layouts/themes as well because I'm not that crazy about the roms list with logos since there are many systems which don't have wheels/logos available. From there, you can tweak the settings to your preference and have it ready to go within a few minutes  ;D
Title: Re: Theme like Cosmo's, only text in the wheel rather than logos?
Post by: Asterra on July 05, 2017, 02:46:24 PM
This wouldn't be too difficult to change.
It all depends on whether or not you know what syntax the app is looking for.  I don't.  Here's the relevant bit in the wheel part of the theme:

Code: [Select]
base.constructor( ::fe.add_artwork( my_config["orbit_art"] ) );

I've tried changing it to things like

Code: [Select]
base.constructor( ::fe.add_text( "[Title]" ) );

which I borrowed from the part of the script that displays the title at the bottom.  This results in an invisible wheel.  Something's missing.
Title: Re: Theme like Cosmo's, only text in the wheel rather than logos?
Post by: bundangdon on July 06, 2017, 12:59:49 AM
I'm not really familiar with the coding part since I have no programming knowledge whatsoever (maybe html doesn't count?) but from what I recall, you need a lot more code to change than that. For example, a simple listbox looks like this
// Listbox Name
local l = fe.add_listbox( 1455, 159, 439, 825 );
l.rows = 12;
l.charsize = 27;
l.selbg_alpha = 0;
l.set_selbg_rgb( 100, 100, 100 );
l.set_rgb( 175, 175, 175 );
l.set_sel_rgb( 255, 255, 255 );
l.align = Align.Left;
l.sel_style = Style.Bold;

That is what I used when I removed all of the code which contained the wheel/logos version
Title: Re: Theme like Cosmo's, only text in the wheel rather than logos?
Post by: jedione on July 06, 2017, 06:09:47 PM
here is a custom one i made that will position itself to the left
never have blanks on top or bottom
and will fade out ,,all nice that would work great for this theme..
i just put in in its one . nut file and call it,,  ie
fe.do_nut("scripts/wheel.nut");   enjoy  mod as needed for size color or font.

youtue preview= (

Code: [Select]

local font_size = 8;

local R = 0;
local G = 200;
local B = 200;

//***********start***********************************************  1
local list = fe.add_text("[Title]", 000, 000, 290, 120 );   
local list_cfg = {
    when = Transition.ToNewSelection,
property = "alpha", 
start = 255,
end = 0,
time = 3000,
//delay = 000
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( list, list_cfg) );
list.index_offset = 3;
list.alpha = 110;
list.charsize = font_size;
list.set_rgb (R,G,B);
//**************************************************************  2
local list = fe.add_text("[Title]",  000, 050, 290, 120 );     
local list_cfg = {
    when = Transition.ToNewSelection,
property = "alpha", 
start = 255,
end = 0,
time = 3000,
//delay = 000
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( list, list_cfg) );
list.index_offset = 2;
list.alpha = 110;
list.charsize = font_size;
list.set_rgb (R,G,B);
//**************************************************************  3
local list = fe.add_text("[Title]",  000, 100, 290, 120 );
local list_cfg = {
    when = Transition.ToNewSelection,
property = "alpha", 
start = 255,
end = 0,
time = 3000,
//delay = 000
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( list, list_cfg) );
list.index_offset = 1;
list.alpha = 110;
list.charsize = font_size;
list.set_rgb (R,G,B);

//*************************************************************** 4
local list = fe.add_text("[Title]",  000,150, 290, 120 );
local to_cfg = {
    when = Transition.ToNewSelection ,property = "scale", start = 1.0, end = 1.2, time = 200, delay = 000
local fro_cfg = {
    when = Transition.ToNewSelection ,property = "scale", start = 1.2, end = 1.0, time = 1000, delay = 500
local alpha_cfg = {
    when = Transition.ToNewSelection ,property = "alpha", start = 255, end = 0, time = 5000, delay = 000
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( list, to_cfg ) );
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( list, fro_cfg ) );
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( list, alpha_cfg ) );
list.index_offset = 0;
list.alpha = 110;
list.charsize = 15;
list.set_rgb (R,G,B);
//*************************************************************** 5

local list = fe.add_text("[Title]", 000, 200, 290, 120 );   
local list_cfg = {
    when = Transition.ToNewSelection,
property = "alpha", 
start = 255,
end = 0,
time = 3000,
//delay = 000
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( list, list_cfg) );
list.index_offset = -1;
list.alpha = 110;
list.charsize = font_size;
list.set_rgb (R,G,B);
//************************************************************** 6

local list = fe.add_text("[Title]",  000, 250, 290, 120 );     
local list_cfg = {
    when = Transition.ToNewSelection,
property = "alpha", 
start = 255,
end = 0,
time = 3000,
//delay = 000
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( list, list_cfg) );
list.index_offset = -2;
list.alpha = 110;
list.charsize = font_size;
list.set_rgb (R,G,B);
//**************************************************************  7
local list = fe.add_text("[Title]",  000, 300, 290, 120 );
local list_cfg = {
    when = Transition.ToNewSelection,
property = "alpha", 
start = 255,
end = 0,
time = 3000,
//delay = 000
animation.add( PropertyAnimation( list, list_cfg) );
list.index_offset = -3;
list.alpha = 110;
list.charsize = font_size;
list.set_rgb (R,G,B);