Attract-Mode Support Forum
Attract-Mode Support => Themes => Topic started by: Furio on August 23, 2019, 11:23:19 AM
I have a problem with attract mode with flat blue theme.
When I run AM in my old 4:3 monitor works fine, you can watch the videos and wheel snaps perfect, but then when I run AM in my arcade monitor Hantarex 9110 doesn´t look well, the whell snaps and video are too big, something is wrong, I think the resolution is shown in the Hantarex monitor is not correct.
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You should be running attractmode in windows 640x480 resolution. 4608 : 2592 = 16 : 9. Do other layout seem correct?
I haven´t trie with other layout, when I run MAME from attract mode the games run in the correct resolution.
I´m using windows 7 in 1024 x 768.
I set windows in 800x600 (It is the lowest resolution it let me use) and i had a distorted image, very similar, but not the same so I supose the problem is that attract mode can not "talk" with the Hantarex to set the correct resolution.
When I exit from attract mode windows 7 is shown in wrong resolution, the desktop is a distorted image.
Hmm... you have a multisync monitor? Regardless, attract inherit windows resolution.
I have an old lg tft 4:3 monitor, may be thats the problem.
Do you known how can I fix it?
Thanks for your help.