Attract-Mode Support Forum
Related Stuff => Emulators => Topic started by: Sebiohazard on April 05, 2020, 07:43:43 AM
Good morning all !
I have a big problem with the fbneo libretro core for NeoGeo & NeoGeo CD games with RetroArch. Under Attract Mode for NeoGeo games I use this:
executable c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\retroarch.exe
args -L c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\cores\fbneo_libretro.dll "[romfilename]"
rompath c:\attract\games\neogeo
romext .zip
Unfortunately nothing happens... on the other hand, from the command line (Windows console) NeoGeo games launch without problem like this:
cd c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\
retroarch.exe -L c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\cores\fbneo_libretro.dll "c:\attract\games\neogeo\"
Same for NeoGeo CD games under Attract Mode if I use these arguments nothing happens:
executable c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\retroarch.exe
args -L c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\cores\fbneo_libretro.dll --subsystem neocd "[romfilename]"
rompath c:\attract\games\neogeo cd
romext .cue
By cons command line with CMD (Windows console) if I use the same arguments it works why ???
cd c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\
retroarch.exe -L c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\cores\fbneo_libretro.dll --subsystem neocd "c:\attract\games\neogeo cd\pulstar.cue"
I have the same problem for mame libretro... how to proceed please ?
Greetings !
do not use the FBA core...
use the core made for the NEO-GEO CD fine..I use it myself
make sure the your bios is in your system folder they you have set....and that it is in the folder "neocd" (ex. /bios/neocd.)
your AM config is fine..just change the core.. neocd_libretro.dll
Hello & thank you for your help!
I have three problems:
1. The core neocd_libretro works well with Attract Mode but I no longer have this screen before loading a game:
I think this is due to some missing BIOS files (see documentation here ( because I cannot find the following files:
2. The core neocd_libretro does not support NeoGeo cartridge games...
3. I have the same problem when launching MAME games with the core mame_libretro.
Greetings !
neocdz and neocdzj mame driver is in good status. Why use retroarch cores? I do not understand the point of it.
Hello !
Simply because I want to use a single emulator for all Attract Mode & because it has a lot of interesting options :)
Hello !
Simply because I want to use a single emulator for all Attract Mode & because it has a lot of interesting options :)
RetroArch is not an emulator, nor is it a frontend. It’s mission statement on their website is confusing. It bundles multiple emulators into „cores“ and shares some libraries as well as configurations.
Open any game through neocd and go to options and turn Skip cd loading to on then restart the game. Thats is for point 1.
RetroArch is not an emulator, nor is it a frontend. It’s mission statement on their website is confusing. It bundles multiple emulators into „cores“ and shares some libraries as well as configurations.
I know it well but for Nintendo SEGA or SONY consoles it was never a problem... & especially what I don't understand why RetroArch works very well in command line but not with Attract Mode ???
Open any game through neocd and go to options and turn Skip cd loading to on then restart the game. Thats is for point 1.
Hello I did not understand what you mean ? Can you explain me with screenshots ?
Greetings !
I don't understand... anyone to help me ?!
The NEOGEO CD core is set by default to skip CD loading screens..thus making it behave like a cartridge almost. The original NEOGEO CD had a 1x speed CD rom...thus slow as a frozen block of ice almost.
If you want the loading screens for just whatever reason then:
1. load a neogeo CD game
2. once started press the F1 key to get to the retroarch menu
3. From the QUICK MENU go to options
4. turn off "CD Speed hack" and "Skip CD loading"
5. quit retroarch
When you reload you will have that loading screen prepared to wait to play your game though!
As for the debate over what emulator to use. *shrugs* I see no reason to do so. Yes MAME runs NEOCDZ just fine or final burn neo will as well.
It is just what people want to use..some may be easier to use then others..some may run better then others (using mame to run neo geo cd on a PI is a pain in the tail...the retroarch core is easier.) Retroarch is less resource heavy and works on slower/older computers better then newer versions of mame. again *shrugs*
Good luck!
Hello thank you for your answer regarding the NeoCD Libretro core :)
Regarding MAME I find this very complicated emulator... that's why I prefer RetroArch... moreover I emulate the Amiga 1200 & the Amiga CD32 & MAME does not really allow it. With RetroArch Amiga machines work very well !
By cons I found an alternative solution to launch NeoGeo cartridge & NeoGeo CD games with the FBNeo Libretro core of RetroAch here is the procedure:
For NeoGeo cartridge games:
executable cmd
args /c "[romfilename]"
rompath c:\attract\games\neogeo
romext .bat
Then you have to create a .bat file for each game (example for the game Magician Lord) & place it in the games folder where the game .zip file is located:
cd c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\
retroarch.exe -L c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\cores\fbneo_libretro.dll "c:\attract\games\neogeo\"
For NeoGeo CD games:
executable cmd
args /c "[romfilename]"
rompath c:\attract\games\neogeo cd
romext .bat
Then you have to create a .bat file for each game (example for the Pulstart game) & place it in the games folder where the game's .cue & .bin files are located:
cd c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\
retroarch.exe -L c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\cores\fbneo_libretro.dll --subsystem neocd "c:\attract\games\neogeo cd\pulstar.cue"
This is the only way I found... on the other hand it is restrictive because we have to create a different .bat file for each game !!! I hope this will be of service to others...
Greetings !