Attract-Mode Support Forum
Related Stuff => Emulators => Topic started by: cangrejo on April 14, 2020, 07:06:33 AM
Hi everyboy.
I have a problem with virtuanes and Nestopia emulators and Attract Mode.
I can not launch the emulators full screen from AM... they always give me a mistake.
What is the correct settings for these emulators, -fullscreen "[romfilename]" doesn´t work :(
I hope your help.
Hello !
You can use RetroArch with the Nestopia core without problem :)
Hello !
You can use RetroArch with the Nestopia core without problem :)
OK, but what is the best option to run NES with Attract Mode?
Did you use any search engine? (
-use Nestopia UE / Undead Edition
-set Fullscreen by options (
-close Nestopia
-the parameter to start a romfile:
-the first time, you start a romfile manually, a file named "VirtuaNES.ini" is generated
-edit the file and search for LoadFullscreen=0
-change it to LoadFullscreen=1 and save
-the paramter to start a romfile:
Hello !
With the Nestopia core of RetroArch it only takes one argument to launch your games & directly in fullscreen :) here is the argument:
executable c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\retroarch.exe
args -L c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\cores\nestopia_libretro.dll "[romfilename]"
rompath c:\attract\games\nes
romext .nes
Obviously you have to adapt the path of your executable of your cores as well as your games with your configuration :) this is a simple example so that you understand how it works.
Greetings !
Thank you so much, all systems (NES, SMS Megadrive, SNES and MAME) work correctly :)
Now, I am going to try to configure PC-Engine and NEO-GEO :P
Hello glad everything works :)
Which core libretro do you use for MAME ?
Greetings !