Attract-Mode Support Forum

Attract-Mode Support => General => Topic started by: retrogam3 on May 23, 2020, 02:35:34 PM

Title: Dolphin rom path issue...
Post by: retrogam3 on May 23, 2020, 02:35:34 PM
I have had dolphin setup for a while but I am trying to not have to specify the drive letter, I am trying to get it to look at the home path .\

This works:
workdir              ./dolphin
rompath              E:\NewARCADE\DOLPHIN\GAMES

This doesn't:
workdir              ./dolphin
rompath              ./dolphin/games

However this works in mame emulator:
workdir              .\mame
rompath              .\mame\roms
Title: Re: Dolphin rom path issue...
Post by: hermine.potter on June 12, 2020, 01:26:10 AM
Isn't it that every time you handle with dyanmic paths .\ and working dir, it always begins from there and attract.exe path too?

paths for my test emulator mame2:

the results for me:
Code: [Select]
executable           .\mame.exe
args                 [name] -skip_gameinfo
workdir              .\EMU\mame2
rompath              .\roms
romext               .zip