Attract-Mode Support Forum

Attract-Mode Support => General => Topic started by: Obiwantje on August 17, 2015, 06:23:45 PM

Title: Allow for import of one of the "ROMlister" export formats for MAME
Post by: Obiwantje on August 17, 2015, 06:23:45 PM
ROMlister ( does not (yet) support AM - is there a way I can import one of the currently supported exports out of ROMlister as an import for AM though? (e.g the standard XML output?)
Title: Re: Allow for import of one of the "ROMlister" export formats for MAME
Post by: omegaman on August 17, 2015, 07:53:11 PM

AM will import xml list like hyperspin. And, ROMlister  supports hyperspin output so there should be no problem. All my romlist were created form hyperspin.xml files. 

Title: Re: Allow for import of one of the "ROMlister" export formats for MAME
Post by: Obiwantje on August 17, 2015, 07:55:36 PM
omegaman - thanks for your reply

I guess I am going to have to go back to the documentation to see as to where I can import that list for MAME
Title: Re: Allow for import of one of the "ROMlister" export formats for MAME
Post by: omegaman on August 17, 2015, 09:16:35 PM

To import romlist:
Place system xml files like mame.xml in attract folder or setpath

run cmd prompt
 cd to the attract DIR
run attract -i mame.xml emulator. So, if you created a mame displayname you would run attract -i mame.xml mame. 
Title: Re: Allow for import of one of the "ROMlister" export formats for MAME
Post by: akafox on August 18, 2015, 10:18:40 AM
Ok I think I understand now. You are wanting to use rom lister to build a lit for AM. I would like to do the same thing. Maybe the support will be added for AM one day :) I used mala a long time ago and I remeber that you could use a "mame list.xml" You could use the mame.exe to spit out a regular mame gamelist.xml...then toss that at romlister add extra info if you wanted...make a custom xml then toss that at mala and it would use it NOT the mame.xml. Yes, it was great.

So hey there a way you can allow AM to use a custom xml list? :D


To import romlist:
Place system xml files like mame.xml in attract folder or setpath

run cmd prompt
 cd to the attract DIR
run attract -i mame.xml emulator. So, if you created a mame displayname you would run attract -i mame.xml mame. 

ok so you can use a custom xml? Hmmmm... ok..I'll try that.. if attract mode finds a xml list in the folder it will use it? or do you add it a path in the cfg? you do you catver.ini
ok got it..I had to read the cmd output :P it will name it (staying with the mame example) mame1.txt. So I renamed the mame.txt (my original list) to mame.txt.bak and renamed the mame1.txt to mame.txt came up just fine. Would be nice to have a native output for AM though..but hey this works just like you said! :P
Title: Re: Allow for import of one of the "ROMlister" export formats for MAME
Post by: Neosys on March 12, 2017, 08:52:24 AM

Would not open a new topic.

The import of the hyperspin.xml folds flawlessly.

Only he creates a complete romlist. It is possible to import only the roms I have. E.g. Atari 2600 I have only 100 roms and would like to have me only these 100 roms re-created.

Possibly with the filter > attract -F FileIsAvailable?  :-\

Thank you.


Got it done.  ;)
Title: Re: Allow for import of one of the "ROMlister" export formats for MAME
Post by: kaptainsteve on March 14, 2017, 03:58:14 AM
Wouldn't it be a great idea that Attract Mode could generate it's own romlists?
Has anyone tried this with mame183?
Title: Re: Allow for import of one of the "ROMlister" export formats for MAME
Post by: markwkidd on March 18, 2017, 07:59:53 PM
You might find "Simple Arcade Multifilter" to be helpful. It's a Windows app that filters and copies MAME collections based on the catver.ini categories filter. It doesn't have all the features of ROMLister, but because it actually copies the ROMs you select in your filters, it might serve your purpose.

Download links are in the Simple Arcade Multifilter thread in the libretro forums: (

Title: Re: Allow for import of one of the "ROMlister" export formats for MAME
Post by: djrobx on March 18, 2017, 09:08:19 PM
Just to throw this out there, since I first used Romlister, try LightSpeed instead. It's much more up to date and can directly output an AttractMode list.   It has a feature for consuming pre built recommended games (all killer no filler) that would have saved me so much time had I just started with Lightspeed instead.

To answer original question I used Romlister to generate MameWah list and AM imported that no problem.  Something in my game list didn't work right with Hyperspin format output.