Attract-Mode Support Forum
Attract-Mode Support => General => Topic started by: gamesmame on April 22, 2021, 08:33:41 AM
Please i have a dobout.. :) I make a bat with code:
mame64.exe pegasus -romimage1 roms\pegasus_cart\galaxy_hangman.bin -autoboot_command "\n\n\ng\n\n1\n1\n1"
and i make(create) a .lnk (atalho) and i put this code in AM:
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable cmd
args /c "[romfilename]"
rompath M:\Emulators\Aamber Pegasus\Games
romext .lnk;.bat
system Aamber Pegasus
exit_hotkey Escape
Load game ok...
You see in AM i create hotkey ESC, but, when i press ESC close "bat" .lnk ok... but MAME its on working in background... how i solve this? :-\
if you use batch or links, you need an external software too.
you received in your last post an AHK script.
or you add it complete to AM.
Probably works:executable M:\Emulators\Aamber Pegasus\mame64.exe
args pegasus -romimage1 "[romfilename]" -autoboot_command "\n\n\ng\n\n1\n1\n1"
rompath M:\Emulators\Aamber Pegasus\Games
romext .bin
system Aamber Pegasus
exit_hotkey Escape
if you use batch or links, you need an external software too.
you received in your last post an AHK script.
or you add it complete to AM.
Probably works:executable M:\Emulators\Aamber Pegasus\mame64.exe
args pegasus -romimage1 "[romfilename]" -autoboot_command "\n\n\ng\n\n1\n1\n1"
rompath M:\Emulators\Aamber Pegasus\Games
romext .bin
system Aamber Pegasus
exit_hotkey Escape
YES!! worked ok.. loads game and close MAME right!!! thanks man you is the best!!! but i have one more question...
The code its ok when i load the galaxy_hangman.bin ... Loads game ok, the code press automatic the "G" in keyboard, and one second after press automatic 1... 1... 1... everything its perfect!! but i have 3 games only for this system... gwarhang(galaxy_hangman.bin) and invaders11 and tank11... only have one diference in code its... for run gwarhang i need press "G" its ok in this code... but for run invaders i need a press "i" after the Load, and for run Tank i need press "T" after load, how i make this in code in args? have a "IF" option or maybe anithing?
direct config load in Mame
it seems that there exist a command -debugscript (see here (
probably it's possible to load this commands from textfile.
but I don't know how it works.
read rom from romlist and load commands from Rating field too
See similar here (
-Goto your romlist : your_AM_folder\romlists\your_emulator.txt
-there is something like this:#Name;Title;Emulator;CloneOf;Year;Manufacturer;Category;Players;Rotation;Control;Status;DisplayCount;DisplayType;AltRomname;AltTitle;Extra;Buttons;Series;Language;Region;Rating
MyGame1;MyGame1;MyEmulator;;;Konami;Action, Fighting;1;;;;;;;MyGame1;;;;;;
MyGame2;MyGame2;MyEmulator;;;Konami;Action, Fighting;1;;;;;;;MyGame2;;;;;;
MyGame3;MyGame3;MyEmulator;;;Konami;Action, Fighting;1;;;;;;;MyGame3;;;;;;
-the last column is for Rating. Just add your command behind the correct romfile:#Name;Title;Emulator;CloneOf;Year;Manufacturer;Category;Players;Rotation;Control;Status;DisplayCount;DisplayType;AltRomname;AltTitle;Extra;Buttons;Series;Language;Region;Rating
MyGame1;MyGame1;MyEmulator;;;Konami;Action, Fighting;1;;;;;;;MyGame1;;;;;;"\n\n\ng\n\n1\n1\n1"
MyGame2;MyGame2;MyEmulator;;;Konami;Action, Fighting;1;;;;;;;MyGame2;;;;;;"\n\n\nT\n\n1\n1\n1"
MyGame3;MyGame3;MyEmulator;;;Konami;Action, Fighting;1;;;;;;;MyGame3;;;;;;"\n\n\ni\n\n1\n1\n1"
-set this config in AM:args pegasus -romimage1 "[romfilename]" -autoboot_command "[Rating]"
args pegasus -romimage1 "[romfilename]" -autoboot_command [Rating]
AM loads your rom and read the entry from "Rating"-field too
MAN!!! you is incrible 8)!!! and AM to ;D Man this code Rating help me perfect!! this Rating is a incrible option!!! :o