Attract-Mode Support Forum
Attract-Mode Support => General => Topic started by: FunkyGibber on April 11, 2022, 12:54:46 PM
For some reason, snes9x-x64 opens after clicking on the game title in AM, but the roms aren't loading up.
This is the code I've put into the emulator cfg:
executable ../snes9x/snes9x-x64.exe
args "[romfilename]" -fullscreen
rompath ../snes9x/roms/
romext .smc; .SMC; .sfc; .SFC; .SRM
system Super Nintendo (SNES)
exit_hotkey Escape
exit_hotkey Escape
Any ideas why the roms aren't loading up?
Thanks in advance.
Bit of extra info. I generated the romlist using the 'Generate Collection/Rom List' option within Attract Mode and it wasn't finding the files, so I changed the romext to .zip and it populated the selection screen with all the snaps/wheel items etc. So that tells me that the rompath in the config file (above) is correct and it's locating the roms. It's also opening the emulator and it's displaying at fullscreen. So everything should be good to go. But if the romext is .zip, I get an alert box popping up with this message: 'Invalid Zip Archive'. I know the zip files are fine as if I load the emulator outside of Attract Mode, the roms load up.
Hope this helps a little into any solutions.
I am not sure if you done typo's or not
Your rom ext's you have
It should just be .smc;.sfc (no SPACES)
If you are having a problem with zip files within AM, really I would just unzip, it is not as if the roms you are trying to use are large. It works out to 77 megs.
I did have trouble with zip files but that was on the PS1 but I ended up unzipping the lot of them which is a lot of HD space.
I would also not use the games db for info source, I would just download from hyperlist, unless the games db gives you better results such as better genres.
I will take a look at that at some point, but I am doing a lot of system building over the next week/s.
Thanks for your reply Mark.
I tried all your settings and I also un-zipped a few files to test out. Although this didn't work, it really helped me pinpoint the problem. The games I'd unzipped (.sfc files) had no error dialogue but the zip still did. From this it was clear that it was locating the correct files (as it could differentiate .zip and .sfc) but just wasn't displaying them. So I realised it was probably a setting in snes9x-x64.
If anyone else is having this problem, the problem is in Emulation settings. Clear the Roms directory so that it's blank. Your Romlist should tell AM where the roms are...the rom setting in snes9x-x64 was confusing it. Leaving this blank solved the issue.
Thanks again for helping!