Attract-Mode Support Forum
Attract-Mode Support => General => Topic started by: tom75000 on August 04, 2022, 09:42:27 AM
I generated a romlist with AM but the list d'ont have all the information (years, players...)
I find a solution with skaper but to got a romlist in XML but I don't know how convert it in AM text file format.
Can you help me???
Thank you a lot for your help
Have a nice day
Maybe I have to change the emulator cfg? Switch in info_source listxml?
If someone can help me it will be great!!
It's the last part to finish my arcade machine!!
Thx a lot
You gave a "smiley face" on this post so I thought you understood it and found your answer to this post. (
This post show's what you are asking. If you don't understand it ask questions. This is a command line method to get your results.
You might also be able to list your file under the "import_extras" field of the emulator.cfg to get these settings. I haven't tried it but it's common for other systems. This would be a way to get your results through the graphical interface.
import_extras Path\To\Your\File.xml
P.S. Your xml list does show number of players but not years. You might consider a better source for your xml files.
OK Thank you I have to try now!
What is the best tools/scraper to got all the information of the games?