Attract-Mode Support Forum
Attract-Mode Support => Scripting => Topic started by: justintime on October 06, 2024, 03:06:01 PM
So I am writing my own theme, and I am finding that in order to fine tune the display of the snap/video, I need to have a different skew and pinch depending on whether the video is horizontal or vertical. I believe I can NOT obtain easily the width/height of the video itself even using the texture_width or texture_height properties.
So, I am thinking if I can obtain the rom/game orientation info then I can put a conditional statement in my code and format the video/snap object accordingly.
Is there a way to do this? If not, any other workarounds?
Thanks, Im lovig the power of AM, coming from HyperSpin.
You can thank Oomek for this, it'll render the snap, maintain it's aspect ratio and place a border around it. You need Attract Mode + and inertia installed
local snap = fe.add_artwork( "snap",358, 220, 1200, 480);
snap.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
snap.zorder = 5;
local flw = fe.layout.width
local flh = fe.layout.height
local frame = fe.add_rectangle( -30 ,210, 0, 0)
frame.zorder = 4
frame.outline = 5
frame.alpha = 100
// position the frame at the centre of the artwork, to avoid troublesome x offset calculations
frame.anchor = Anchor.Centre
frame.x = snap.x + snap.width / 2
frame.y = snap.y + snap.height / 2
frame.height = snap.height
frame = Inertia( frame, 1000, "alpha");
fe.add_transition_callback( "snap_transition" )
function snap_transition( ttype, var, ttime )
if ( ttype == Transition.ToNewList || ttype == Transition.FromOldSelection )
// pixel aspect ratio of the artwork
local par = snap.texture_width.tofloat() / snap.texture_height.tofloat() * snap.sample_aspect_ratio
frame.width = snap.height * par
frame.tween_alpha = Tween.Quint;
frame.loop_alpha = false;
frame.set_alpha = 0;
frame.to_alpha = 255;
frame.delay_alpha = 1000;
if( ttype == Transition.ToNewSelection){
frame.alpha = 0
I testd this. Unfortunately the frame class does not seem to support skew and pinch, and I am trying to get a border around a snap/video that is deformed with a perspective style effect.
Any other ideas welcome!
I solved this with some ridiculous trickery. I will have a new very clean theme with some cool fresh effects for everyone in the next few weeks.
i solved this , perhaps it help you: