Attract-Mode Support Forum

Attract-Mode Support => General => Topic started by: alexwhite305 on March 26, 2016, 05:43:33 PM

Title: [Fixed] AM starts to launch MAME, says Loading Machine and then returns to AM.
Post by: alexwhite305 on March 26, 2016, 05:43:33 PM
First, Attract Mode is gorgeous, flexible, and straight-forward. Thank you for making it. I really hope to be able to use it.

I am using Windows 10 and mame64 0.171. I load up Attract Mode fine, but when I hit [Enter] to play a game, say Zero Wing, I briefly seeing the Mame screen (it says Loading Maching (0%)) and then returns to the Attract Mode UI. Every game I've tried behaves this way.

I am using attract-v2.0.0-rc3-win64

I can launch the game just fine using the command line:
E:\apps\mametest>mame64.exe -rompath D:\Games\Mame\MAME_0_161_ROMs\ROMs zerowing

Any idea or further information I can find about what the problem is?

Thank you.

My mame.cfg is as follows:
Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.0.0-rc3
executable           E:\apps\mametest\mame64.exe
args                 [name]
rompath              D:\Games\Mame\MAME_0_161_ROMs\ROMs
romext               .zip;.7z
system               Arcade
info_source          listxml
artwork    flyer           E:/apps/mametest/flyers
artwork    marquee         E:/apps/mametest/marquees
artwork    snap            E:/apps/mametest/videos;E:/apps/mametest/snap
artwork    tiles           E:/apps/mametest/titles
Title: Re: Win10: AM starts to launch MAME, says Loading Machine and then returns to AM.
Post by: omegaman on March 26, 2016, 08:18:14 PM
args "[name]" needs to be in quotes... This works too "[romfilename]"
Title: Re: Win10: AM starts to launch MAME, says Loading Machine and then returns to AM.
Post by: alexwhite305 on March 26, 2016, 08:29:57 PM
Unfortunately putting args [name] or [romfilename] in quotes ("[name]" or "[romfilename]") didn't change the behavior of not loading in mame.

After some continued experimenting, I found twhat did work was moving the roms directory to the same drive as the executable. The games load fine now but the roms directory has to be on the same drive as mame64.exe.

A bug, I guess?
Title: Re: [Fixed] AM starts to launch MAME, says Loading Machine and then returns to AM.
Post by: omegaman on March 26, 2016, 10:17:31 PM
Hmm... That shouldn't be the case. Did the mame.ini have the correct path? Also, is file explorer set to quick access or this PC. Setting it to this PC can solve some strange file search issues.

On linux, all my roms are on a portable drive and rc3 works as advertised. But, I haven't tested this scenario on my win10 machine yet. When I get a chance, I'll do that. We just need make sure if this is bug or not.   
Title: Re: [Fixed] AM starts to launch MAME, says Loading Machine and then returns to AM.
Post by: empardopo on March 27, 2016, 11:46:00 AM
Have you generated the romlist for mame?

My mame.cfg
Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.0.0-rc2
executable           f:\emuladores\wolfmame-0151\mame
args                 [name]
rompath              F:\Emuladores\Roms0151\ROMs
romext               .zip;.7z;<DIR>
system               Arcade
[color=blue]import_extras        E:\attractmode\extras\mame.xml;E:\attractmode\extras\catver.ini;E:\attractmode\extras\nplayers.ini[/color]
artwork    flyer           
artwork    marquee         $HOME/mame/marquees
artwork    snap            F:\Emuladores\wolfmame-0151\snap;E:\VideoSnaps
artwork    wheel     

To generate my romlist I used this from the commandline
Code: [Select]
attract.exe --build-romlist mame --full
Good luck!

Title: Re: [Fixed] AM starts to launch MAME, says Loading Machine and then returns to AM.
Post by: alexwhite305 on March 27, 2016, 12:08:32 PM
omegaman, I think it was a problem with mame.ini not having the correct path to my roms. That's why I had to specify the rom path when I ran mame64 via the commandline. I updated mame.ini and moved my rom directory to a different drive. Attract Mode launched mame fine and the game runs correctly.

I don't think there is a bug anymore.

Thanks for working through it with me.
Title: Re: [Fixed] AM starts to launch MAME, says Loading Machine and then returns to AM.
Post by: alexwhite305 on March 27, 2016, 12:11:58 PM
empardopo, I think the problem is resolved.  I appreciate your suggestion. I had been generating romlists for mame.
Title: Re: [Fixed] AM starts to launch MAME, says Loading Machine and then returns to AM.
Post by: empardopo on March 28, 2016, 07:37:26 AM
omegaman, I think it was a problem with mame.ini not having the correct path to my roms. That's why I had to specify the rom path when I ran mame64 via the commandline. I updated mame.ini and moved my rom directory to a different drive. Attract Mode launched mame fine and the game runs correctly.

I don't think there is a bug anymore.

Thanks for working through it with me.

I don't understand why If you put the path
rompath              F:\Emuladores\Roms0151\ROMs
in your mame.cfg file, AM try to run the selected game using the path in your mame.ini file.

I am glad that it is resolved.