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Messages - spinox

Pages: [1]
General / Re: help with scraping on
« on: December 24, 2021, 04:01:59 AM »
hi, thanks for your advices...

- i think my ssl certificates are ok, i updated a while ago to TLS 1.x to make email clients work;
- if i scrape with the requests tha a-m generate on my xp web browers they works;
- i'll search for the xp version you told me;
- i'll search for an alternative scraper;
- my cfg file is below.

even if my main computer is also xp (!), what i'm actually trying to do is to recycle a netbook with xp on and a usb controller as a gift. i've tried some all-in-one linux distributions as batocera but they are too slow while a-m with emulators runs fine.

thanks again, spinox.

General / Re: help with scraping on
« on: December 23, 2021, 11:29:40 PM »
thanks for your reply. my cfg file contains exactly what you posted.

it seems ok to me... i tried several time and the cfg file reflects the changes i made through the a-m interface so i don't think the problem is here...
same error on last_run.log
"! Error: None of the configured system identifier(s) are recognized by"

to add some details i'm using the XP 32-bit version, could someone confirm me that the error doesn't depend of this?

thanks, spinox.

General / help with scraping on
« on: December 23, 2021, 02:25:30 PM »
hi everyone, i'm trying to scrape data from for a nes game, i'm using default system identifier but nothing happens...
this is what i can find on last_run.log

*** Scraping artwork for: Nintendo NES
 - scraping
 ! Error: None of the configured system identifier(s) are recognized by
 ! Error processing request: SSL connect error (
 - 1 games not matched on "Adventures of Lolo "
 - reports a remaining allowance of: Unknown
*** Scraping done.

first, i tried to use a correct identifier so i managed to fetch platform list at and the api gives me this response:
"7": {
        "id": 7,
        "name": "Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)",
        "alias": "nintendo-entertainment-system-nes"

i try all of them on attract-mode settings but nothing works, same error "None of the configured system identifier(s) are recognized by"

actually, if i add 7 after the request shown above, it works in my browser giving me the game's info i was searching for

and the SSL error, how can i fix it?
anyone can help me? what i'm doing wrong? thanks, spinox.

Pages: [1]