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Messages - Arcadefanatic

Pages: [1]
General / Re: How to set up attract mode on a PC step by step
« on: April 01, 2022, 02:49:14 PM »
Thanks.  I do have a last_run.txt file which is somewhat the same but not exact but I don't have a display.txt file.

I do appreciate all the time and help you've put into this and I want to thank you but I think I'm going to just give up on the whole project.

Thanks though!

General / Re: How to set up attract mode on a PC step by step
« on: April 01, 2022, 11:45:51 AM »
Thank you,
I followed your instructions and set up 'd' to exit to desktop.  Then I went to my game selection screen and pressed 'd'.  it quit and I then rebooted.  When it came back on  ..I'm on the config menu again.

I think this is a windows issue and not AM. 

General / Re: How to set up attract mode on a PC step by step
« on: April 01, 2022, 11:06:03 AM »
Firstly, you need to have a rom list

Secondly go to settings PRESS TAB
Scroll down to  GENERAL
1) Show displays menu
2) Launch last game
3) Show last selection (Default)

You want 1) or if you do not want the menu system then 3) but your last selection needs to be your roms list. So MAME as an example, your last selection was potentially the config screen before shutting down.



First let me say that I really appreciate the help!  Thank you.

Sadly I followed this to the letter several times and still it boots into the configure menu no matter what I do.
Perhaps it is because I turned off the win 10 normal startup and edited the registry to load AM from the shell.

General / Re: How to set up attract mode on a PC step by step
« on: April 01, 2022, 05:35:19 AM »
I have now got Attract Mode running on my spare PC and it boots straight into AM with no windows guff showing, which is what I want.
but a problem.   when AM loads, it shows the config menu, how do I have to load and show the game list?


General / Newbie installing AM, can you help?
« on: March 31, 2022, 02:20:12 PM »
I recently installed Attract Mode onto my win 10 pc (after binning coinops)
and it's working fine but I have a problem.

None of my mame roms are loading, I downloaded the latest version of mame (0.241)
and I'm wondering if you can tell me which romset I need to get?

I have two complete mame romsets and neither works.
(please bear in mind, I'm not asking where to download them, I know that's against the rules.  I just need to know which set I should get)

Thank you!

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