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Messages - cosmicdan

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Development status?
« on: April 06, 2018, 04:36:33 PM »
I sure hope so. I've been considering making my own game front-end (yes, yet another one) only written in Java since it's what I'm best at - so much easier to understand than C++ - but that's a lot of work. There's only so much contribution I can do - you may have seen the small issues from CosmicDan in the last version, that's pretty much my extent of C++ knowledge heh.

Attract is a pretty stable (and FAST) front-end though, so I will instead work on some library-management tools I had ideas for :) Mostly inspired by my own experiences of tedious tasks, and some issues others have been having. Perhaps an all-purpose artwork/metadata scraper that supports many of the sources we have out there.

Feel free to send me any requests of things you think could greatly benefit via a third-party tool (NB: it will be Java, but last I checked the Raspberry Pi could run full Java runtime OK). All open-sourced on GitHub of course.

EDIT: Learning Squirrel might be a good idea, it seems a nice language. I could integrate some functions inside Attract-Mode itself then.

General / Development status?
« on: April 05, 2018, 06:15:03 PM »
I hope this doesn't start any drama, but... Attract-Mode dying/abandoned? I'm a bit worried that Andrew has had absolutely no activity on GitHub for three months. PR's and issues are piling up too.

I'm worried :(

I tried out Launchbox recently since I got time to work on my setup again, but it's really not as nice. It's laggy and a lot of the features are behind a pay wall.

If anybody knows what's going on, would love to hear it.


Themes / Re: SILKY Theme v0.61 beta
« on: April 16, 2017, 03:28:18 PM »
A very functional and attractive menu, great stuff!

Anybody know how to prevent the game list from automatically hiding (or maybe an option can be added for this)? Would appreciate it!

Themes / Re: no image for exit button
« on: April 16, 2017, 10:41:40 AM »
Check your console/log window for an error due to missing PNG. In Cosmo theme there is a file at menu-art/wheel/exit.png providing the graphic, I think you just drop it in.

Themes / Re: Cosmo's Theme (v.1.1 uploaded!)
« on: April 16, 2017, 10:36:49 AM »
Awesome theme, thanks so much! And I'm totally not biased because of us having similar names or anything  ;D

Small suggestion - put a dummy png (transparent and 1x1) at cosmo-mainmenu/snap.png and cosmo-systems/snap.png so the log/debug window doesn't spam with "file not found" every ~5 seconds.

Thanks, Cosmo - these are great.

My few missing categories that I'd like to see (and may end up creating) are:

- Linux (I could use 'ports' or PC games) but I do have a fair number of Linux games that don't quite seem like Ports and PC games seems like Windows games to me.
- Steam
- Doom - I have a bunch of doom 1 and 2 standalone iwads that I launch from EmulationStation... would like to do the same in attract mode
- ZMachine - I like to keep my old text adventure games in the launcher

that's about it.

Thanks again.

I'd be interested in that "Doom" one, if you end up making it! Normally I'd think "eh, the 'Ports' menu is good enough" but there are so many standalone games and total conversions based on the Doom ports/engines that I think this is warranted.

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