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Topics - chewz

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General / Missing artwork solutions
« on: August 25, 2016, 10:31:32 AM »
I've dabbled in different front ends and really glad to of come across AM.

I've always had an issue with missing artwork and wondered what people do with this?. I have emu movies account and also use AM's scraper but I always have missing artwork.

From emu movies out of 900 ROMs its missing 300 or so snaps/titles. I guess this is due to ROMs not being named correctly as I have corrected a few and they now scrape the artwork.

My question is: what is the best and most efficient way to get the missing artwork in place? If I do need to rename ROMs how do I know of the correct format and I can't handle doing it one by one!

If i did end up doing a few manually without scraping is it just a case of finding an image of the game and naming it to match the ROM name?


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