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Topics - Guywiththegun

Pages: [1]
General / So is this thing dead then?
« on: August 09, 2017, 03:27:06 PM »
No release since January and very few commits this year . .

Looked like big progress was being made with the addition of sub-menus but then we hit a wall. My cabinet feels incomplete and I think its because of the front-end.

I have to move on. Thanks for the great software, its just not 'there' yet. Hopefully progress picks up again and I'll revisit.

Is this possible to do? I LOVE that we have a customizable display menu now but there's just a few touches to really bring it home. As of now its kind of its own "display', that you can access with its own button. This is awkward since naturally you want to hit 'back' to get there . . but 'back' brings up the Exit screen instead, and you have to press another button for the "Main menu".

I'd love to just have it be the root menu. I figure its only a matter of a few control changes, like having "back" lead there when on in a system menu, and then "back" going to the exit screen when you're on the display menu. I'd even compile it myself if its easy enough.

General / Anyone get Terrordrome working without menus/borders through AM?
« on: November 18, 2016, 09:47:42 AM »
So Terrordrome needs a program called "BorderlessGaming" to remove its border & menu bar and make it appear like true Full Screen (don't ask me why). All you have to do is make sure the program (BorderlessGaming.exe) is running and it will automatically hide them for you. Here's the weird part:

This works perfectly OUTSIDE of AM, either through launching manually through Windows or ALSO launching through RocketLauncher (with the BorderlessGaming exe as the pre-launch application). However trying it through AM, it doesn't work. It doesn't work by simply launching Terrordrome through AM with BorderlessGaming already running. It doesn't work with an AHK script that launches both. And it doesn't even work using RocketLauncher as the "emulator". Border and menu remain in all cases through AM. I've tried everything and there is something about AM that is blocking BorderlessGaming functionality.

I'm on Windows 10.

Any thoughts?

General / Resetting/removing animation after it completes?
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:21:19 AM »
I'm having trouble with performing an animation in a transition callback. I want the animation to play once and then stop, or even be removed entirely. I'm attempting to show specific art for a specific game title, but ONLY for one specific game title. I don't want anything to to happen unless that game title is selected, no loading, no values changing, etc.

The problem is, the values of the animation seem to "stick". For instance if my animation is property is "x", the value of "end" will not revert back without performing another animation (its a workaround but less than ideal). What this means is that when going back to the game title, the "end" state is shown briefly before the animation kicks back in. Setting the variable of "x" after the animation occurs does not seem to change this.

Scripting / Simple if statement not working
« on: November 01, 2016, 11:10:44 AM »
I'm new at learning squirrel and I'm trying to edit a layout. I simply want to have this happen:

"If Current emulator is 'Mame', show marquee" "If not, don't show marquee"

I can get this to work where upon loading Attract Mode, it works. However cycling through displays will not "update" the code. Does anyone have any tips?

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