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Topics - Brewski

Pages: [1]
Emulators / AM Config for RetroArch on OS X
« on: March 07, 2016, 10:32:59 AM »
 I have gotten RetroArch on my OS X device running and working.
 I'm trying to start it from within RetroArch without much luck.
 I've tried various command line arguments that I've seen in here as well as the wiki.
 Currently I have the following defined.

executable           $HOME/Applications/
args                      -L $HOME/Applications/ "[romfilename]"
rompath               $HOME/downloads/usa
romext               .zip
  Any help would be appreciated.

General / Videos stop playing in themes..
« on: March 05, 2016, 01:30:38 PM »
One thing I've noticed, (I'm on a MAC) no matter what theme I use, the videos for the theme only work when I first choose the theme.
If I exit and go back in the videos no longer appear in the theme. Any one else have this happen?

General / Just the thing for my repurposed MacMini
« on: February 20, 2016, 01:39:19 PM »
I had a Mac mini just sitting there and decided I'd extend it's purpose as a media server and use it with my X-Arcade tank stick.
It took me a little bit, but I got Mame configured nicely, got the filters working, artwork videos etc..
Now I just need to program my X-Arcade tank stick.
My only real problem was a lack of Mame / Mac knowledge  and  poor typing skills.  ;D
Luckily, I was able to search the forum and was able to find what corrections I needed.
Any how, I'm really glad I found this, it was mostly by chance looking for tutorials for setting up other front ends.
When I found out it ran native on OS X, I was all in, deleted my boot camp partition and everything!
Quick question has anyone been able to either set up Kodi to run from Attract-Mode or vice versa?
Are their any plans to have that as an option?
Thanks again all who contribute to this program!

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