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Messages - iOtero

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Scripting / This script not works. (SOLVED).
« on: February 11, 2019, 01:11:30 PM »
This script works perfectly in raspbian and in ubuntu, but not in lakka:

Code: [Select]


cd /storage/.attract/romlists
rm Favorites.txt

touch Favorites.txt
chmod 777 Favorites.txt

ls *.tag > tagfiles
while read filename
  while read gamename
    romlist=`echo ${filename} |cut -f1 -d '.'`
    cat "${romlist}.txt"|grep "^${gamename};" >> Favorites.txt
  done < "${filename}"
done < tagfiles

rm tagfiles
cat Favorites.txt |sort -u > tmp_favorites.txt
mv tmp_favorites.txt Favorites.txt

sleep 5

The reading of the data is correct, but the redirection >> does not do anything.

In putty ssh this comand runs:

Code: [Select]
cat "Atari2600.txt" |grep "Centipede (USA)" >> Favorites.txt
but the script does not.

Does anyone know why?

Themes / Re: RetroMode Theme
« on: February 11, 2019, 05:35:34 AM »
The theme is nice but to much info

Another friend who thinks the same as me.  ::)

General / A new question about the English language
« on: February 11, 2019, 05:33:45 AM »
As i said in my previous question, i am Spanish and i do not speak English well. So i would like to know which of these phrases is more correct:

Create new favorites gamelist.

Create new list of favorite games.


Update favorites gamelist.

It is for a menu option that will erase the current list of favorites and replace it with a new one if there is one, if there is not, simply create the new favorite list.


General / Re: A question of language. Only for native english.
« on: January 23, 2019, 12:19:21 PM »
Any specific reason for reboot? Files are deleted and I think will take effect immediately without rebooting.

It is not necessary, it is true. But after pressing the option seems to do nothing and the pi reboot very fast...  8)

If i knew how to send a message to the screen saying that everything is deleted i would do it, but i do not know how to do it.  :-[

General / Re: A question of language. Only for native english.
« on: January 22, 2019, 10:15:23 AM »
What about "Choose this option to set the number of times played and the amount of time played to zero."?

Edit: VVV keil's suggestion is the best, I think. To the point and clear.

I also believe it.  Thanks, Keil 8)

Was to execute this scripts:

Lakka (Linux):

Code: [Select]
cd /storage/.attract/stats
find . -name "*.stat" -type f -delete


Code: [Select]
#echo off
cd E:\pi\attract\stats\
del * /S /Q
timeout /t 5 /nobreak
taskkill /im attract.exe

General / Re: A question of language. Only for native english.
« on: January 22, 2019, 03:28:44 AM »
It is clear that it is much more accurate...
but i do not know if maybe it's a lot of text for a warning... that's why i put how they would be on screen.

Themes / Re: RetroMode Theme
« on: January 22, 2019, 03:01:04 AM »
The main menu i like, but in the rest of layouts ... too much information ... impossible to achieve in some systems.  :-\
And for 4:3 well neither ...  :-[

General / Re: A question of language. Only for native english.
« on: January 22, 2019, 02:58:11 AM »
I am certainly no grammar/vocabulary expert but I am an English teacher, so I'll offer some help  ;D

"If you select this option, the counter which indicates the number of times played and the actual amount of time played for all games will be set to zero."

Hope that helps

But it is not about selecting an option, but about executing it.

Could be: "If you execute this option, the counter which indicates the number of times played and the actual amount of time played for all games will be set to zero."

Thank you, it seems more correct. Although too long for some instructions.

I'm not saying I'm not going to use it.  ;D

General / A question of language. Only for native english.
« on: January 21, 2019, 12:15:22 PM »
Hi, i am Spanish and my English is not very good. Can you tell me if this sentence is correct?:

"If you press this option, the counters of times played and the time played of all the games will be set to zero."

It is to confirm the reset of [PlayedCount] and [PlayedTime].


General / *.stat files (SOLVED)
« on: January 21, 2019, 06:25:14 AM »
Each *.stat file has two numbers inside.

The one that is above is the number of times the game has been played, or to be more exact and even if it is the same, the number of times the game has been selected in the menu.

What i would like to know is what indicates or what the number below means.

Thanks in advance for the help.

I already found out. Logically, it was the time played...  8)

Themes / Re: Looking for a theme showing snaps but not wheel images
« on: January 14, 2019, 03:12:35 PM »
Almost all the themes that I have done have the option of playlists without wheels ... and some are designed not to use wheels ... you just have to search here:

Themes / Re: io_pi_refried Theme for pi. Only 4:3 resolutions (WIP)
« on: January 14, 2019, 03:04:14 PM »
This theme I loved, but what I did not like was that the wheel disappears, it could be possible to stay the wheel and with sound every time you pass game.

Este tema me encantaba, pero lo que no me gustaba era que la rueda desaparece, podría ser posible quedarse la rueda y con sonido cada vez que pasas de juego.

Los sonidos los puedes poner tú mismo en Attract-Mode, y mi rueda no va a desaparecer...

You can put the sounds yourself in Attract-Mode, and my wheel will not disappear...

Themes / Re: Refried Theme
« on: January 14, 2019, 03:02:06 PM »
Well, i continue with my version 4: 3 for the pi, and i will tell you that, instead of using your layouts, i chose to code from scratch, since i wanted something simpler than your version, which has all the options in the world global ... i need little complex themes for a project that i have in the process of making an img of Lakka with Attract-Mode and RetroArch ...

So i will open a new thread for my theme, if it is not annoying.

If you want to add it later and / or adapt it to your Hyperpie, for me there is no problem ...

Ok, that's awesome. I will probably steal your cropped background images and snap positioning when you are done :)

Yes, as it is said in my land: "eso te lo dejaré a punto de caramelo..."

Themes / Re: io_pi_refried Theme for pi Only 4:3 resolutions (WIP)
« on: January 14, 2019, 04:27:23 AM »
And this from the general layout io_pi_refried (Sony PlayStation):

Themes / Re: io_pi_refried Theme for pi Only 4:3 resolutions (WIP)
« on: January 14, 2019, 04:25:16 AM »
And this from the general layout io_pi_refried (MAME):

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