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Messages - iOtero

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Scripting / Re: KeyboardSearch module
« on: July 26, 2019, 02:36:02 PM »
I would advise you not to make any changes. The screen looks great according to the screenshot you've sent. On such a big screen, it's very good like that. Sometimes we want to have our frontend so good that we start doing very unnecessary things, and I know a lot about that, because I've been wrong many times.

At most, what I would do would be to center it on the screen, and if you want to see everything black behind, you just have to use a jpg or png of 1 pixel white and paint with it the whole screen in black or semitransparent with the alpha level you want:

Code: [Select]
local flw = fe.layout.width;
local flh = fe.layout.height;

local search = fe.add_image("objs/pixel_white.png", 0, 0, flw, flh);
search.alpha = 255;

But I insist that I would do nothing, I like it as I see it.

Scripting / Re: KeyboardSearch module
« on: July 26, 2019, 12:45:11 PM »
In module.nut change this line

Code: [Select]
        search_text.msg = ( text == "" ) ? "" : "\"" + text + "\""

for this line

Code: [Select]
        search_text.msg = ( text == "" ) ? "" : "\"" + text.toupper() + "\""

And this line

Code: [Select]
            local rule = "Title contains " + _massage(text);

for this line

Code: [Select]
            local rule = "Title contains " + _massage(text) + "|" + text.toupper();

I don't know if you want it that way for aesthetics or because you have all the names of the games in capital letters. Depending on that, you may have to make some more changes to the module to make it work properly.

And I'm not the creator of the module, so I hope liquid8d doesn't get mad at me for modifying its code so much.

Scripting / Re: KeyboardSearch module
« on: July 26, 2019, 06:14:02 AM »
Well, apparently I have not understood exactly what you want to do. As you do not explain yourself better...  8)

What are you talking about? Search results or keyboard appearance?  8)

Themes / Re: Listbox Animation in a layout (animate.nut question)
« on: July 26, 2019, 06:06:59 AM »
I have already solved it, you just had to add a new list option and change transition options for when options.  8)

Scripting / Re: Shuffle v2.2.0 - Loop feature now added
« on: July 26, 2019, 04:51:09 AM »
iOtero - try the latest commit in the master branch. As for the animation you want, i would use a surface. You need to use ticks to keep track of time and transitions. Understanding the concept can be kind of hard at first. Unless the animation library provides something. Im not sure.

Thanks Kiel, I have already solved the animation with a surface. I made a silly mistake when positioning the surface.  :-[

I will try what you tell me with latest commit.

Checked, it works fine whenever loop = false. If I put loop = true, the list goes well, but the pow gets out of control. Thanks.

Error message:

Code: [Select]

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [indexing integer with string]

*FUNCTION [_transitions()] E:\pi\attract\modules\shuffle.nut line [171]

[ttime] 0
[var] 0
[ttype] 7
Script Error in transition function: _transitions - indexing integer with string

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [indexing integer with string]

*FUNCTION [_transitions()] E:\pi\attract\modules\shuffle.nut line [171]

[ttime] 0
[var] 0
[ttype] 7
Script Error in transition function: _transitions - indexing integer with string

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [indexing integer with string]

*FUNCTION [_transitions()] E:\pi\attract\modules\shuffle.nut line [171]

[ttime] 0
[var] 0
[ttype] 7
Script Error in transition function: _transitions - indexing integer with string

Scripting / Re: Shuffle v2.2.0 - Loop feature now added
« on: July 26, 2019, 02:36:13 AM »
This code

Code: [Select]

// Lista
local flxl = flx*0.0255;
local flyl = fly*0.1656;
local flwl = flw*0.2792;
local flhl = flh*0.0001;
local fhl  = flh*0.0252;
local lineas = 24;

local list = [];
for(local i=0; i<lineas; i++)
list.push(fe.add_text("[Title]", flxl, flyl, flwl, flhl));
flyl = flyl + fhl;

class ShuffleList extends Shuffle
function _refreshSelected(slot)
slot.align = Align.Left;
slot.charsize = fuente_selec;

function _refreshDeselected(slot)
slot.align = Align.Left;
slot.charsize = fuente_peque;

local list = ShuffleList({ save="barrika beach", hide=true, loop=false, slots=list, reset=true });

Display this:

Scripting / Re: Shuffle v2.2.0 - Loop feature now added
« on: July 25, 2019, 01:03:58 PM »

Code: [Select]
local list = ShuffleList({ save="Retromania", hide=true, loop=false, slots=list });
local pow = ShufflePow({ save="Retromania", hide=true, loop=false, slots=pow});

Adding hide=true will not repeat items in list.

Thanks, but ... are you sure? Because in the documentation of shuffle 2.2.0 there is nothing about that...

Scripting / Re: Shuffle v2.2.0 - Loop feature now added
« on: July 25, 2019, 10:13:23 AM »
Keil, I think that all the versions you have taken out of the Shuffle module do something that I don't like at all. It is not important, it will surely seem good to others.

But if I have a shuffle list of 24 titles, and for example, I change the filter with next_filter(), and the new list has only 5 titles, what the shuffle list does is repeat the names until the 24 slots are filled.

I think it would be better if only those 5 came out. But, or I haven't seen it, or there's no such option in the shuffle module.

This is how you want it to work, or you could set an option to work as i say?

Thank you for your time, and sorry for the inconvenience.

Scripting / Re: KeyboardSearch module
« on: July 25, 2019, 08:30:31 AM »
Hello all!
I really like the plugin, but I still have a doubt, as it makes for the search letters to be uppercase, I've tried several ways but could not leave "ABCDE". help please

You haven't read all the thread, my friend...  8)

My Request:

My Solution:

Scripting / Re: multimon in raspberry version
« on: July 24, 2019, 03:26:30 AM »
great work , but i found a solution ;)

Do not tell, but I sign your nick, so that when you ask again in this forum, I warn that you only ask without helping anyone...

If you don't know how to behave, you shouldn't be in this forum.

General / Re: Poor video playback performance
« on: July 22, 2019, 07:27:23 AM »
What did you use to convert them?


Code: [Select]
ffmpeg -i myvideo_in.mp4 -r 24 -vf "scale=2*trunc(iw/2):-2,setsar=1" -profile:v main -pix_fmt yuv420p -y myvideo_out.mp4

Convert at the same time, at 24 fps and 8bits planar.

General / Re: I need help with carrier.nut
« on: July 22, 2019, 07:14:03 AM »
That should be Oomek, if he is well, who will answer you, since he created carrier.nut

Anyway, that I would not do with the carrier.nut, i would use conveyor_helper.

with conveyor_helper I have perfectly adjusted the size of the aces and the zoom in the main art, but the problem that I face with the conveyor_helper and that it does not slide fluid it seems that there are locks in the time to turn to select the game.

I think that can be adjusted... Try cList.ms_speed = 150 or minor.

General / Re: I need help with carrier.nut
« on: July 21, 2019, 04:23:51 AM »
That should be Oomek, if he is well, who will answer you, since he created carrier.nut

Anyway, that I would not do with the carrier.nut, i would use conveyor_helper.

General / Re: Poor video playback performance
« on: July 21, 2019, 04:18:54 AM »
All my videos are converted to 24fps and an pixel format YUV 4.2.0 8-bit planar.

And all works perfectly in all my environments: windows 10, linux Lubunto, macOS Mojave and Raspbian in a raspberry pi 3.

General / Re: [HELP] Delay to start snap
« on: July 05, 2019, 09:16:11 AM »
Try this:

Code: [Select]

local surface = fe.add_surface( 640, 480 );
local artwork = FadeArt( "snap", 80, 0, 480, 650, surface, );
artwork.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
artwork.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
surface.set_pos( x*0.325, y*0.240, w*0.350, h*0.650 );

local fade = {property = "alpha", start = 0, end = 255, time = 2500, delay = 3500, pulse = true}
animation.add(PropertyAnimation(surface, fade));

I do not know if FadeArt will be compatible with this code (fade.nut vs animate.nut).

If not run, try without FadeArt.

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