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Messages - cherwilco

Pages: [1] 2
awesome thanks, that did it!

hey can you upload a copy of your modified layout after the -1 to -3 change? I altered that section of mine like you said but the scrolling and video still doesn't match up right. thanks!

Themes / quick and dirty gameboy layout
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:43:22 PM »
this one just uses scrolling marquee art on the left boxart at the bottom center and video snaps on the gameboy screen
edit: wow that screenshot came out big!

needed artworks:


I don't have the background or the selection frame in my robo folder can you put those up?

will give it a try thanks  ;)

yep I use a wireless xbox360 controller and my next and previous lists are the shoulder buttons, but I was using left and right to jump through the list faster... might have to revise that

thanks sir! I'll dig into this when I get back from shopping

I like this one for mame, are you going to share the layout?

huh, I didnt even know you could get the selection box to move up and down like that! can you share your layout? maybe zip it up with the bg graphics on here?

nope, not bad actually  ;) I really like that starfield. this makes me wonder though if there is a way to have alternate control schemes based on the layout. for example a lot of layouts have an up/down scroll for selecting games and that makes sense to have your controls mapped up and down for that.... then you switch to a layout with a left right scroll and you still need to use up/down to cycle through games, kinda weird

Themes / ps2 layout
« on: October 21, 2014, 05:39:12 AM »
Just a little Ps2 layout with srolling marquee artwork on the left and video snap and box art that switches with your game  :D  (zip is attached)

preview video here:

needed artworks not included in zip:
flyer   (1,081 marquees)
marquee   (1,238 ps2 boxarts)
snap   (the ones I have are over 7 gig for all, will only upload if someone is really interested)

code for layout.nut file:
Code: [Select]
// Attract-Mode Front-End - "mediaV" sample layout


fe.add_image( "Background.jpg", 0, 0, 800, 600 );
fe.add_artwork( "snap", 470, 135, 295, 225 );
fe.add_image( "frame.png", 465, 130, 310, 235 );
fe.add_image("select.png", 18, 475, 220,9 );
fe.add_image("ps2box.png", 578, 377, 128, 212 );

// fill an entire surface with our snap at a resolution of 124x204
local surface = fe.add_surface( 124, 204 );
local snap = surface.add_artwork( "flyer", 0, 0, 124, 204 );
snap.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;

// position and pinch the surface
surface.set_pos( 588, 380, 115, 206 );
surface.pinch_y = 11;

local title = fe.add_text( "[Title]", 10, 660, 320, 20 );
title.set_rgb( 255, 255, 255 );
title.align = Align.Left;

local man = fe.add_text( " ([Category]) [Manufacturer] [Year] ", 10, 690, 320, 20 );
man.set_rgb( 255, 255, 255 );
man.align = Align.Left;

local name = fe.add_text( " [ListTitle] ", 02, 02, 320, 20 );
name.set_rgb( 255, 255, 255 );
name.align = Align.Left;

local entry = fe.add_text( "[ListEntry]/[ListSize]", 350, 610, 320, 18 );
entry.set_rgb( 255, 255, 255 );
entry.align = Align.Right;

// Create 10 artworks.
local title_p2 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 00, 190, 75);
local title_p3 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 80, 190, 75 );
local title_n1 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 160, 190, 75 );
local title_n2 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 240, 190, 75 );
local title_n3 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 320, 190, 75 );
local title_n0 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 400, 190, 75 );
local title_n5 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 480, 190, 75 );
local title_n6 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 560, 190, 75 );
local title_n7 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 640, 190, 75 );
local title_n8 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 720, 190, 75 );

// Set index_offset for these 5 artworks.
title_p2.index_offset = -5;
title_p3.index_offset = -4;
title_n1.index_offset = -3;
title_n2.index_offset = -2;
title_n3.index_offset = -1;
title_n0.index_offset = 0;
title_n5.index_offset = 1;
title_n6.index_offset = 2;
title_n7.index_offset = 3;
title_n8.index_offset = 4;
// Add transition callback function.
fe.add_transition_callback( "orbit_transition" );
// Fill in orbit_transition function, as below:
local SPIN_MS=160; // Duration of transition effect (in msec)
function orbit_transition( ttype, var, ttime ) {
switch ( ttype )
case Transition.ToNewSelection:
if ( ttime < SPIN_MS ) {
local direction = -1;
if (var < 0) direction = 1;
local increment = (ttime * direction * 80) / SPIN_MS;
title_p2.y = 00 + increment;
title_p3.y = 80 + increment;
title_n1.y = 160 + increment;
title_n2.y = 240 + increment;
title_n3.y = 320 + increment;
title_n0.y = 400 + increment;
title_n5.y = 480 + increment;
title_n6.y = 560 + increment;
title_n7.y = 640 + increment;
title_n8.y = 720 + increment;

return true;

else {
title_p2.y = 00;
title_p3.y = 80;
title_n1.y = 160;
title_n2.y = 240;
title_n3.y = 320;
title_n0.y = 400;
title_n5.y = 480;
title_n6.y = 560;
title_n7.y = 640;
title_n8.y = 720;
return false;
return false;

// Gives us a nice high random number for the RGB levels
function brightrand() {
 return 255-(rand()/255);

local red = brightrand();
local green = brightrand();
local blue = brightrand();

// Transitions
fe.add_transition_callback( "fancy_transitions" );

function fancy_transitions( ttype, var, ttime ) {
 switch ( ttype )
 case Transition.StartLayout:
 case Transition.ToNewList:
 case Transition.ToNewSelection:
 case Transition.EndLayout:
  //gametitleshadow.msg = trimmed_title( var );
  //gametitle.msg = trimmed_title( var );
  //man.msg = trimmed_man ( var );
  red = brightrand();
  green = brightrand();
  blue = brightrand();
  //year.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //copy.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //man.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //romlist.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //screen.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //frame3.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //cat.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //title.set_rgb (red,green,blue);

 case Transition.FromGame:
  if ( ttime < 255 )
   foreach (o in fe.obj)
    o.alpha = ttime;
   //message.alpha = 0;     
   return true;
   foreach (o in fe.obj)
    o.alpha = 255;
   //message.alpha = 0;
 case Transition.EndLayout:
  if ( ttime < 255 )
   foreach (o in fe.obj)
    o.alpha = 255 - ttime;
   //message.alpha = 0;
   return true;
   foreach (o in fe.obj)
    o.alpha = 255;
   //message.alpha = 0;
 case Transition.ToGame:
  if ( ttime < 255 )
   foreach (o in fe.obj)
    o.alpha = 255 - ttime;
   message.alpha = ttime;
   return true;
 return false;

General / Re: one place to preview/ download themes?
« on: October 21, 2014, 05:33:11 AM »
that is pretty awesome raygun thanks, Ill move this one to that board to kickstart it. and thanks for the compliments guys  ;D

General / Re: one place to preview/ download themes?
« on: October 20, 2014, 05:10:48 PM »
EDIT: I should include credit to Omegaman for parts from his hyperspin layout and the creators of the orbit and mediav (who are you guys?) layouts for the parts I scavanged to hobble this together (I am not a smart man)

sample of what i had in mind for a template layout share (I'm waaaaay open to suggestion)

ps2 layout (rar is attached)

preview video here:

needed artworks not included in zip:

code for layout.nut file:
Code: [Select]
// Attract-Mode Front-End - "mediaV" sample layout


fe.add_image( "Background.jpg", 0, 0, 800, 600 );
fe.add_artwork( "snap", 470, 135, 295, 225 );
fe.add_image( "frame.jpg", 465, 130, 310, 235 );
fe.add_image("select.png", 18, 475, 220,9 );
fe.add_image("ps2box.png", 578, 377, 128, 212 );

// fill an entire surface with our snap at a resolution of 124x204
local surface = fe.add_surface( 124, 204 );
local snap = surface.add_artwork( "flyer", 0, 0, 124, 204 );
snap.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;

// position and pinch the surface
surface.set_pos( 588, 380, 115, 206 );
surface.pinch_y = 11;

local title = fe.add_text( "[Title]", 10, 660, 320, 20 );
title.set_rgb( 255, 255, 255 );
title.align = Align.Left;

local man = fe.add_text( " ([Category]) [Manufacturer] [Year] ", 10, 690, 320, 20 );
man.set_rgb( 255, 255, 255 );
man.align = Align.Left;

local name = fe.add_text( " [ListTitle] ", 02, 02, 320, 20 );
name.set_rgb( 255, 255, 255 );
name.align = Align.Left;

local entry = fe.add_text( "[ListEntry]/[ListSize]", 350, 610, 320, 18 );
entry.set_rgb( 255, 255, 255 );
entry.align = Align.Right;

// Create 10 artworks.
local title_p2 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 00, 190, 75);
local title_p3 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 80, 190, 75 );
local title_n1 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 160, 190, 75 );
local title_n2 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 240, 190, 75 );
local title_n3 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 320, 190, 75 );
local title_n0 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 400, 190, 75 );
local title_n5 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 480, 190, 75 );
local title_n6 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 560, 190, 75 );
local title_n7 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 640, 190, 75 );
local title_n8 = fe.add_artwork( "marquee", 20, 720, 190, 75 );

// Set index_offset for these 5 artworks.
title_p2.index_offset = -5;
title_p3.index_offset = -4;
title_n1.index_offset = -3;
title_n2.index_offset = -2;
title_n3.index_offset = -1;
title_n0.index_offset = 0;
title_n5.index_offset = 1;
title_n6.index_offset = 2;
title_n7.index_offset = 3;
title_n8.index_offset = 4;
// Add transition callback function.
fe.add_transition_callback( "orbit_transition" );
// Fill in orbit_transition function, as below:
local SPIN_MS=160; // Duration of transition effect (in msec)
function orbit_transition( ttype, var, ttime ) {
switch ( ttype )
case Transition.ToNewSelection:
if ( ttime < SPIN_MS ) {
local direction = -1;
if (var < 0) direction = 1;
local increment = (ttime * direction * 80) / SPIN_MS;
title_p2.y = 00 + increment;
title_p3.y = 80 + increment;
title_n1.y = 160 + increment;
title_n2.y = 240 + increment;
title_n3.y = 320 + increment;
title_n0.y = 400 + increment;
title_n5.y = 480 + increment;
title_n6.y = 560 + increment;
title_n7.y = 640 + increment;
title_n8.y = 720 + increment;

return true;

else {
title_p2.y = 00;
title_p3.y = 80;
title_n1.y = 160;
title_n2.y = 240;
title_n3.y = 320;
title_n0.y = 400;
title_n5.y = 480;
title_n6.y = 560;
title_n7.y = 640;
title_n8.y = 720;
return false;
return false;

// Gives us a nice high random number for the RGB levels
function brightrand() {
 return 255-(rand()/255);

local red = brightrand();
local green = brightrand();
local blue = brightrand();

// Transitions
fe.add_transition_callback( "fancy_transitions" );

function fancy_transitions( ttype, var, ttime ) {
 switch ( ttype )
 case Transition.StartLayout:
 case Transition.ToNewList:
 case Transition.ToNewSelection:
 case Transition.EndLayout:
  //gametitleshadow.msg = trimmed_title( var );
  //gametitle.msg = trimmed_title( var );
  //man.msg = trimmed_man ( var );
  red = brightrand();
  green = brightrand();
  blue = brightrand();
  //year.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //copy.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //man.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //romlist.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //screen.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //frame3.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //cat.set_rgb (red,green,blue);
  //title.set_rgb (red,green,blue);

 case Transition.FromGame:
  if ( ttime < 255 )
   foreach (o in fe.obj)
    o.alpha = ttime;
   //message.alpha = 0;     
   return true;
   foreach (o in fe.obj)
    o.alpha = 255;
   //message.alpha = 0;
 case Transition.EndLayout:
  if ( ttime < 255 )
   foreach (o in fe.obj)
    o.alpha = 255 - ttime;
   //message.alpha = 0;
   return true;
   foreach (o in fe.obj)
    o.alpha = 255;
   //message.alpha = 0;
 case Transition.ToGame:
  if ( ttime < 255 )
   foreach (o in fe.obj)
    o.alpha = 255 - ttime;
   message.alpha = ttime;
   return true;
 return false;

General / Re: one place to preview/ download themes?
« on: October 20, 2014, 04:53:42 PM »
I think the filesize limit might need to be upped a bit to really facilitate this, any zipped layouts that include graphics can easily blow past the 192kb limit. and it would be nice if submissions had a screenshot included and maybe a youtube link of the layout in action.

also a list of needed graphics for the layout to work correctly would be awesome ie:

needed artworks: flyer, marquee, wheel, snap

that might help people setup just as they see in the preview video that i hope people include!

Scripting / Re: orbit style marquee scrolling but.....
« on: October 19, 2014, 01:56:35 PM »
and that fixed it! thank you so much! now I can focus on the filters to resize the marquee art based on position! thanks again

attached is the updated layout.nut that includes the fix if anyone wants it

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