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Messages - einarsen

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Version 2.1.0 Released
« on: August 29, 2016, 05:35:49 PM »


I love the auto-detect and auto-download functions. I just point Attract Mode at a MAME install and - BOOM - instant arcade front end. Great work!

Themes / Re: ArcadeBliss - Cab Edition
« on: August 29, 2016, 04:19:49 PM »
This might come off wrong, but I'm digging that mobile cart beside your arcade in the picture. I definitely could use something like that, is it custom made? The arcade is not bad either but I can't take my eyes off that damn cart. LOL...

100% with you. That multiple control panel setup is SWEET!

Themes / Re: ArcadeBliss - Cab Edition: 2016-05-16 Update
« on: August 29, 2016, 04:18:15 PM »

This has nothing to do with the Attract Mode theme (which looks cool) but your swappable control panels. I LOVE that idea. I wanted to do that for my Taito cabinet but abandoned the idea when I discovered that I'd have to rewire the coin mechs (I don't use buttons to replicate coin drops, only the real thing). However, seeing your rack of control panels makes me want to revisit the Molex idea where I wire a Ultimarc control board to a female end and then attach a male end to each of the control panels. Either that or do a smaller Molex for the coin mechs and then just mount a dedicated control board to each control panel and then go USB to the PC.

Which method do you use?

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