General / Re: Feature Wishlist
« on: August 21, 2023, 09:52:51 PM »- The ability to display certain systems. Like a computer tree. First pick "Sony" as an example then the system, then the game. Or perhaps pick "handheld" and those would appear.So apparently you can do this already by making an emulator that links to nothing then generate the romlist, then when you go into that display, press your "insert game" key and select "insert display shortcut". (So for example make a generic Nintendo one then fill it with links to your Nintendo displays.) Then select your emulator displays off of "show in menu" but have your overall Nintedo, Sega, etc, displays on "show in menu". Protip you can even still have an extra one that still shows everything to have the best of both worlds. I also kept the system specific displays to have "show in cycle" but not the new overall ones, but that's up to you.