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Messages - amauri

Pages: [1]
Has anyone managed to use a bezel for each game on Attractmode using Retroarch? Can you help me ???
I've read this explanation about 30x and it doesn't work, Retroarch does not respect the --appendconfig and always reads the files below:
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable retroarch
args --verbose -f -L $ HOME / .config / retroarch / colors / "[romfilename]" --appendconfig "$ HOME / .config / retroarch / config / Snes9x / bezels / [name] .cfg"
rompath $ HOME / modules / snes9x / roms /
romext .zip; .7z; .bin; .fig; .mgd; .sfc; .smc; .swc
system Super Nintendo (SNES)
artwork boxart $ HOME / modules / snes9x / boxart
artwork cartart $ HOME / modules / snes9x / cartart
artwork flyer $ HOME / modules / snes9x / flyer
artwork marquee $ HOME / modules / snes9x / marquee
artwork snap $ HOME / modules / snes9x / snap
artwork wheel $ HOME / modules / snes9x / wheel

[INFO] [CORE]: Loading dynamic libretro core from: "/home/arcade/.config/retroarch/cores/"
[INFO] [Overrides]: Core-specific overrides found at /home/arcade/.config/retroarch/config/Snes9x/Snes9x.cfg.
[INFO] [Overrides]: No content-dir-specific overrides found at /home/arcade/.config/retroarch/config/Snes9x/roms.cfg.
[INFO] [Overrides]: Game-specific overrides found at /home/arcade/.config/retroarch/config/Snes9x/Zoop (USA) .cfg.
[INFO] [Overrides]: game-specific overrides stacking on top of previous overrides
[INFO] Config: appending config "/home/arcade/.config/retroarch/config/Snes9x/Snes9x.cfg"
[INFO] Config: appending config "/home/arcade/.config/retroarch/config/Snes9x/Zoop (USA) .cfg"

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