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Messages - notbillcosby

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Won't display hacks in rom list
« on: March 28, 2021, 12:22:37 PM »
I just got back to spend a little more time trying to narrow down where the problem is... in doing so I found out that mame64 isn't launching roms anymore, it just quits mame when I try. What on earth did I screw up?

Edit: If I open Mame64, go to Configure Directories, Select Roms, and then exit back out of the menus without changing anything, roms will once again launch from Mame64's UI. Then, if I open Attract Mode, try to launch a game (which instead launches Mame64's UI) and I try to select a game out of the Mame64 list, Mame closes. It'll continue doing this until I go back and do the Configure Directories thing.

General / Re: Won't display hacks in rom list
« on: March 25, 2021, 10:11:43 AM »
All I've got to point it to is mame64.exe. I'm using GroovyMAME if that changes things any...

I should also mention that selecting even a parent rom out of the list launches the Mame UI now.

General / Re: Won't display hacks in rom list
« on: March 24, 2021, 05:40:43 PM »
Update. That command line DID work, I just didn't realize it. I had to delete all the other romlists that had been generated, then it worked... kinda! I can see all the hacked versions in my list now, but when I select one to play, instead of launching the rom it launches the Mame UI.

General / Re: Won't display hacks in rom list
« on: March 24, 2021, 05:19:10 PM »
I found this thread:

I generated mamelist.xml as described, but when I type in the following:

attract --import-romlist mamelist.xml mame --full does nothing. Just pops back to the command line. I copied mamelist.xml into the same folder as Attractmode, and even tried typing the full path instead of just typing mamelist.xml with no success. I'm sure I'm doing something ignorant.

General / Re: Won't display hacks in rom list
« on: March 24, 2021, 03:09:50 PM »
I guess I'll need more specific help than that.

Do you mean open the romlist txt file in the AM romlist folder and add a line? How do I find the exact name, just visually copy it from the Mame GUI? If that works, awesome... but is there a more automatic way to do it? I'd like to have all available hacked versions available in my game list in AM.

I downloaded this romset over a year ago and don't remember if it was merged. How do I tell? When I open Mame, the hacks all show in gray text below the white texted parent rom. Is that a giveaway at all?

General / Won't display hacks in rom list
« on: March 24, 2021, 11:54:32 AM »
Hacks? Is that the right word?

Specifically, I'm trying to play Ms. Pac-Man and Galaga with the speedup hack. These do not show in the game list in Attract Mode at all. If I open Mame 64 (and squint really really hard at my CRT to read the text) I can find fast Ms. Pac in the list, double click it, and it plays just fine. There's clearly a setting or filter or command line modifier I'm missing somewhere in Attract Mode, but I'm not a pro at this stuff and hope someone can help me. I miss my speed-up-hacked games.

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