General / Re: difference between mame64 standalone and the same in AM
« on: August 13, 2021, 08:02:20 AM »
ALLRIGHT!! THANKS!! it works! but much faster...
I modified first the args and it works immediately but faster, then I modified the emulator as you both said to me. I noticed burgertime run faster than normal, maybe it's a wrong roms I have.
Switchres Works!!! both in fullscreen and windowed.
In everycase the TAB key in AM gives me limited options, in english. In mame64 give me the complete menu in italian..
Attract mode is in Q:\AttractMode261\
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable Q:\mame64\mame.exe
args [name] -skip_gameinfo -switchres -resolution 640x480
rompath Q:/mame64/roms/
romext .zip;.7z
system Arcade
info_source listxml
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork cabinets Q:\CoinOPS Next 2 Furio\collections\- Arcade Official\medium_artwork\cabinets
artwork marquee Q:\CoinOPS Next 2 Furio\collections\- Arcade Official\medium_artwork\marquee
artwork snap Q:\CoinOPS Next 2 Furio\collections\- Arcade Official\medium_artwork\video
artwork wheel Q:\CoinOPS Next 2 Furio\collections\- Arcade Official\medium_artwork\logo
I modified first the args and it works immediately but faster, then I modified the emulator as you both said to me. I noticed burgertime run faster than normal, maybe it's a wrong roms I have.
Switchres Works!!! both in fullscreen and windowed.
In everycase the TAB key in AM gives me limited options, in english. In mame64 give me the complete menu in italian..
Attract mode is in Q:\AttractMode261\
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable Q:\mame64\mame.exe
args [name] -skip_gameinfo -switchres -resolution 640x480
rompath Q:/mame64/roms/
romext .zip;.7z
system Arcade
info_source listxml
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork cabinets Q:\CoinOPS Next 2 Furio\collections\- Arcade Official\medium_artwork\cabinets
artwork marquee Q:\CoinOPS Next 2 Furio\collections\- Arcade Official\medium_artwork\marquee
artwork snap Q:\CoinOPS Next 2 Furio\collections\- Arcade Official\medium_artwork\video
artwork wheel Q:\CoinOPS Next 2 Furio\collections\- Arcade Official\medium_artwork\logo