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Messages - Calvin

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Not really, sorry. I think I saw a dependency somewhere for Mesa. Not sure if this was attract tho. You could try installing mesa (maybe libmesa-dev. idk) At this point I am taking shots in the dark. 

EDIT: Did you run
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sudo make install USE_GLES=1 ?

oof. Maybe to
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sudo apt search libgles to find a suitable package.

BTW. I went through with the compile on a Pi4 but I get some errors when building attract that I can't find a solution for.

I am running the setup on my pi and got the same error.
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sudo apt install libgles-devfixed it for me

Bummer, but hey, some progress at least :). Sadly I do not know much about Odroid. Honestly, your thread was the first time I heard about it. It is an arm board, isn't it? And you are running Ubuntu.

Maybe it would help if I tried to get it running on my Pi4 running Ubuntu server or smth?

The config file not found error you can ignore. After you get it starting correctly it will create a config file. I did not experience this pixel modifier error however, things that I would try:

1) sudo attract (if there even is something like sudo on your os)
2) If you didn't already, compile smfl-pi and attractmode with the openGLes flags in addition to DRM. I think ES is for embedded systems, which your odroid should be.

Edit: you also have to use the USE_GLES=1 option when running sudo make install.

I don't know about odroid. As long as you can compile you should be fine. My Ubuntu Server runs on a regular desktop PC not a Raspberry.
Is this for the odroid?  I'm guessing sfml-pi really doesn't mean only for Rpi
Exactly it is not only for Rpi. This had me confused as well.

Hi, I was trying to achieve the same thing (running outside X11) the last few days and I finally got it working. There really is a lack of documentation on that topic.

The issue you are having is probably due to the sfml installation you are using. The steps I took to have it run outside X11 were basically:

1) Compile and install sfml-pi (DRM version) Instructions:
2) sudo make install to install your newly compiled sfml-pi
3) Compile and install attract as you did with flag USE_DRM=1

This should be enough to run attract straight from the console. I have tested this on Ubuntu Server.

If you are experiencing any issues feel free to ask as I went through this procedure recently I might be able to help. (Although I am a newbie with Linux)

EDIT: I think all your emulators have to also support KMS/DRM. I am using Retroarch for this. Instructions:

General / Re: Need Help compiling attractmode without x11
« on: October 27, 2021, 10:06:48 AM »
Hi, thank you for the answer.

I think I may have phrased my question wrong. But I got the solution for everyone that is also trying to achieve something similar.

I was trying to run attractmode directly from the console with no Desktop/GUI installed. This is possible with the latest attractmode thanks to DRM/KMS settings. You have to build the sources yourself with the USE_DRM flag. Check for instructions on how to compile.

This is, however, only one part as I found out you also have to build sfml-pi with DRM enabled (instructions for compiling: Instead of the regular sfml. This lets you then start attractmode with no desktop insalled.

Together with retroarch (also DRM/no X11) this gives you a console like experience for dedicated arcade machines. (kinda like retropi).

General / Need Help compiling attractmode without x11
« on: October 25, 2021, 11:09:24 AM »
Hi all,

this is my first time posting here. I hope this is the right place to ask such a question.

I am trying to run attractmode with no desktop environment. I started on a clean ubuntu-server image and then installed all the dependencies.

After running make
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USE_DRM=1 (also tried
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USE_GLES=1 in addition) the compile finishes with some warnings, but no errors.

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attract now results in following error message:

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Failed to open X11 display; make sure the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly
Thanks in advance!

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