« on: January 18, 2024, 08:07:01 PM »
I was able to get Attract mode setup and fixed the game names to be Names and not filenames. I can start the Mame emulator separately and play the games just fine.
Now with Attract Mode it act like it is going to start the games (blacks the screen), but never starts the game. I have to reboot my computer to get out fo the black screen.
Here is the config for Mame:
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable $HOME/Mame/mame
args [name]
rompath $HOME/Mame/roms
romext .zip;.7z
system Arcade
info_source listxml
pause_hotkey $HOME/Mame/marquee/
artwork marquee $HOME/Mame/marquee/
artwork snap $HOME/Mame/video/;$HOME/Mame/snapshots