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Messages - jammin0

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Question about custom .exe
« on: December 11, 2016, 04:30:36 PM »
Ahhhh, I feel enlightened!  Thanks for your answer, I'll give it a whirl. I appreciate it.

General / Re: Question about custom .exe
« on: December 11, 2016, 11:21:13 AM »
I realize this thread is pretty old but I'm trying to figure out the same sort of thing.

How can I use Attract Mode to point to external files and games.  I'm using Linux and have no problem getting to to find roms and play them through MAME but I want to launch other applications.  Any help or examples.  I assume I will have to add an "emulator" and set it up to point to the file but so far when I place the executable it won't show up in the menu.  I think it is looking in the "rompath" for something but not finding it.  I could try adding the appropriate extension but under linux there isn't always an extension.  Any thoughts or help?

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