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Messages - sparkie16

Pages: [1]
Before updating attract mode run     sudo apt-get update   and then sudo apt-get upgrade
Then just follow the install update attract from wiki pages no need to follow other steps just attract.
Ive just finished this and now attract runs flawlessly on top of floobs v5 image.

General / Games won't launch
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:41:23 AM »
So finally got attract installed on a clean raspian install.  I can see the roms in the attract man display but cannot launch any games they just flicker when selected.  I know its probably how ive set the config when adding the emulator but cannot see any info on what exe path to use or command path or additional file path.
Also it seems that the robospin display is missing can this be manually added..

I'm trying to build attract mode on raspian jessie lite and am having troube.  I have installed jessie light. I am using wiki instructions and have created a build environment then installed sfml-pi and attract mode dependencies but cannot download and build sfml-pi.
I type cd ~/develop then " git clone --depth 1 sfml-pi " with out speech marks but it cannot run command.
Is there anything i need to do to a new install of raspian before i start this procedure or does anyone know why this command is having issues..
Hope someone can help as ive tried various ways to update attract.

General / Re: Erratic controller exiting mame.
« on: December 18, 2016, 03:53:10 AM »
Thanks for the reply but I'm new to this so I've got a bit of reading up to do.  Will give it a go.

General / Re: Erratic controller exiting mame.
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:49:51 AM »
Looks like you cant upgrade attract mode only compile new.
Do you need retropie installed first after installing raspian jessie as wiki instructions dont seem to give this infromation only to compile from scratch with just raspian.

General / Re: Erratic controller exiting mame.
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:17:15 AM »
Anyone got a link for the update attract instructions.  Can it be updated or do you have to recompile from scratch. 

General / Erratic controller exiting mame.
« on: December 16, 2016, 10:34:52 AM »
Hi i've set up attract mode and mame as its the only emulator i want to use.  Ive managed to set it up with all the artwork and all is fine until I exit a chosen rom and it acts erratic.
The controller is an ipac 2 and is set as keyboard layout to mimic mame controllers.  When i exit a rom it will re enter that rom or move up or down to the next oen and enter that one just by pressing esc..  I dont know if anyone else is having these issues but as im new to the pi im struggling to fix this.. It doesn't behave like this through emulation station just attract..I'm using floob-retropie-attractmode-v05-23-AUG-2016.
Any help would be appreciated

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